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The bag was packed and waiting to take the trip that would once again change their lives. Krysta was filled with a mixture of excitement and fear. She tried staying busy so as not to think so much about the fear part. When she couldn't deal with it, she would wear the coat for awhile, especially if Ian was out of the apartment.

Ian started bringing some work materials and tools back home so that he could continue finishing orders. It was getting close now and he wanted to be home. He drove the car the block and a half to the shop, so he could bring more in one trip than if he walked to and back.

It was either close the shop or temporarily hire someone to be at the shop to take orders and make sales. He finally hired a young man that reminded him of himself when he had no experience and was hired as a stocker in the supermarket. Joe didn't have much work experience but he was willing to learn and willing to work.

She seemed more at peace with him being at home but even though she tried to hide it he could sense her nervous state.

Ian went to the market and stocked up on groceries, it was easier now with the car. It actually went up ten whole degrees out there. He was grateful for the car, and not having to be out there waiting for a bus in the cold. Krysta offered to go with him, but he talked her into staying home where it was nice and warm. He promised her a surprise for lunch. He picked up pizza from their favorite place and even found some chili dogs at a little place. She had never grown tired of either. He also brought some gardenias just because.

He would work during the day, crafting his next piece. While he worked, Krysta did the things she would usually do, cooking, maybe working on her knitting, or reading. She was still reading about infants and the care of. She was still glad she had thrown the books on child birth away. They scared her with their graphic detail.

Sometimes Ian would find her napping in the rocker wearing the coat and holding one of the books. He would just let her be and go back to his work.

They were able to share lunch together again. Sometimes she made it, sometimes if he had caught her napping he would surprise her with lunch for two when she woke from her sleep.

Around dinner time, Ian would put his work away for the day. It was their time. It was too cold to take one of their evening strolls so if they went out they would take a drive. Since it was too cold to stop for a picnic dinner, the drive didn't have much of a point. So they just stayed warm and snug in their private haven just the way Krysta would often crave.

Ian had finished several orders and while Krysta napped on day he walked up to the shop with them so they could be picked up. He stopped at the pharmacy and bought a newly released current movie and some popping corn. They were going to have a movie night. They hadn't gone to a movie since the night they were robbed and Ian was seriously hurt. They never seemed to have the desire to return to the scene of such a bad memory.

After a dinner of beef stew, rice and cornbread they popped the corn for their movie night. The apartment was filled with the aroma of freshly popped pop corn. They snuggled close on the couch and watched their own private showing of the movie. Krysta decided this was the only way to see a movie.

At night he cradled her close in his arms. Some nights she was so tired, she fell asleep quickly. Other nights they talked for hours into the night and early morning about anything of importance or of nothing special. Sometimes she got brave enough in his arms to mention how nervous she was about the upcoming birth. He always reminded her that he would be there with her and for her.

"Remember you said that I'm still your guardian angel. Everything is going to be alright. I won't let anything happen to you," he'd whisper.

The days passed one much like the next. Krysta had just finished making dinner and was getting ready to serve when she felt a funny twinge. It didn't last but a few seconds or so so she thought little of it.

She had made chicken and dumplings today, steamed some broccoli and made rice pudding for desert. Ian helped her to carry it to the coffee table on a tray and they ate. It tasted good. She had become a pretty good cook, thanks to her mom and her recipe cards.

Ian put the dishes on the tray and carried them to the kitchen. She followed behind him with intentions of washing them but she didn't get very far before her water broke. She was scared and trying very hard not to cry.

The bag was in the back seat of the car, she was in the front with Ian wearing the comfort coat to keep her warm and she hoped calm. The hospital was not that far away. On the way she told Ian about the twinge that she thought was nothing. Ian showed no sign of being nervous. She figured having been a guardian angel had taught him to always keep a cool calm head.

She was admitted and taken to a room much like the regular room Ian had had when he was there and less like the intensive care room. They hooked her up to monitors and cam in and out of the room regularly. Apparently that twinge she had had was a labor pain. She hadn't felt anymore but the monitor was picking up pains that she really wasn't feeling. There were sonograms and continuous monitoring that went on for hour after hour.

Ian was there holding her hand when he could get close enough to her. He could feel it trembling as he held it. She wasn't sure what was going on. It was now that she kept thinking maybe she should have read the childbirth book instead of throwing them in the trash. If she had read them she might understand more about what was going on now. Even when they told her things, she wasn't sure she understood it all.

She silently wished that she could go to the chapel but she was hooked up to the monitor and she wasn't going anywhere. She wished she could have the coat but was pretty sure she couldn't have that either.

"Ian, do you understand what's going on?" she asked him.

"No, not all of it."

"Is the baby going to be okay?" she asked, starting to cry.

"This is the safest place to be. They'll take good care of both of you."

He held her hand tight with one hand and wiped the tears away with the other. He told her that getting upset might just make things worse and tried to soothe her.

"God will watch over you and the baby. You have to believe that, trust that."

"Yes I believe that. But sometimes bad things still happen with God watching. What if something bad happens now?" she asked.

"Then He would have a reason for it. Everything happens for a reason. Yes, something bad could happen now, but until it does we shouldn't assure that it will. Krysta I have faith, a strong faith. I believe everything is going to be okay."

He leaned forward and kissed her gently. She wished she had faith as strong as he had. Silently she prayed for the baby to be okay. She hoped the faith she had was enough one more time. 

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