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She had never been very good at games or puzzles, not childhood games or games that people sometimes played with each other. But then, she wasn't very food with people at all. Inexperience, naivety whatever one wished to call it fueled fear and mistrust in her. She had shut herself down after Cory physically and mentally damaged the young girl.

She hadn't seen Ian for days. She caught herself looking out the window from time to time, looking towards the bus stop. The mail had been delivered at the shop and among the envelopes there was one that was addressed to her.

It was just a small card with a picture of gardenias on the front and some hand printed words inside. It just said.

Thinking of you. I can't seem to help it.


A few days later a box arrived with a small angel on a fragile neck chain. A small white notecard said again, 'Thinking of you more than I should. Ian.'

She wasn't sure how to take all of this. Her boss thought it was romantic when she told her about her friend Ian and his recent antics. Krysta wasn't sure. He was reaching her. She was finding herself looking out the window even more. Why didn't he just come around? She still didn't know anything about him really. She couldn't ask a note or a necklace questions about him to get to know him. She wished he would at least give her that chance. She was beginning to fall for him anyway and it scared her a little.

Another week passed. Another small package arrived for her. By now everyone in the shop was watching this game play out. It was a silk scarf, turquoise with white gardenias. It was beautiful. A teal piece of paper was folded in the box. She opened it and read it.

I have nothing left

to give you except

my love, it's yours.


She tied the scarf around her neck. It actually went well with the sweater she was wearing, the birthday sweater from her mother. The note, she slipped into her pocket. She felt overwhelmed and still confused by all of this.

She happened to look up from some book work she was doing and glanced out the window. It was just midday but he was out there. She watched as he paced about as if agitated. He usually sat calmly. Perhaps he was waiting for a bus that was running late, she thought. She saw him glance towards the store but just kept pacing about. One bus came and left, he was still there.

For an hour she watched him, she never saw him sit. Several more buses stopped and left but he remained. She usually ate a lunch she brought in the back of the shop but today she ventured out to the bus stop. He was still walking about. As she got closer she noticed him clutching something around his neck. While his appearance was as neat as always, something just didn't seem right but she couldn't explain it.

"Did you miss your bus?" She asked loudly before she even made it to the curb.

He turned in her direction just as she stepped up on the curb and somehow stumbled. He caught her as she fell forward and steadied her. She looked up into his eyes, those blue eyes. He leaned forward and bruised his lips to hers so quickly then pulled away as if embarrassed or guilty.

"Something wrong?" She asked, trying to steady herself from the kiss.

"Just some stuff I have to think through."

He didn't look at her directly as if trying to avoid too much eye contact. He didn't sit even though she sat down. He still paced about.

"Can I help?" She asked wishing she knew how to sooth him. He didn't answer.

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