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It was mid January, icy cold and dark as she got off the bus and walked towards her apartment building. Even though she wore layers of clothes she still shivered. As she neared the steps to the apartment, even though it was dark, she could see someone sitting on the steps. She stopped for a moment wondering if it was safe to go on. She pulled out her phone and pretended to talk to someone as she slowly moved towards the steps.

The figure had a dark coat and gloves on but no hat. She couldn't understand anyone wanting to be out if they didn't have to. She still pretended to talk as she got to the steps. The figure looked up at her. It was Ian. She almost dropped the phone. She put it away.

"Ian, what are you doing here? How did you know I live here?"

"Long story." he said.

"Well, we can't stay out here in the cold, we'll freeze to death. Come on in." She said, walking on up the stairs and wondering if he would follow.

He stood up and followed her into the hallway and stood while she fumbled for the key and let them into the apartment. She walked about, flipping on lights; he still stood in the hallway.

"Well, are you coming in or not?" she said, removing her jacket and laying it down on the chair.

He finally stepped inside and closed the door. He looked to be in pain, as much pain as the last time she'd seen him. He was skittish, she was afraid he might bolt, that he might run away. She sat down on the couch, he continued to stand.

"How did you know where I live?" she asked again.

"Told you, long story." he mumbled.

"I have the time if you do."

"I'm not sure where to begin the story because I'm not sure you are ready to hear it." He began to pace now.

"Try me."

"I want to explain, I do. I'm just not sure how. I'm not sure you'll understand or forgive me." His eyes were looking at the floor.

He looked so pathetic, like a child who had been caught in the act of doing something naughty. At least he deserved to plead his case.

"There's a lot I have to tell you and I don't think you're going to understand." He paused. "When did we first meet?" He asked her.

"At the bus stop a few months ago." She replied. "You were there when I arrived for work. I asked you if we had met before. You said you thought you would remember me if we had met."

"Can I ask you a question?" he asked.

"I guess." She shrugged.

"Where did you think we'd met before?"

"I...I mistook you for someone else."

"Did you? Are you sure?" He was still pacing.

"I'm sure. You couldn't be the person I thought you were."

"You saw me in a dream."

"How do you know about the dream." She began to fidget in her seat.

"Because I gave you the dream."

"What the hell do you mean you gave me the dream?" she said, starting to get a little irritated at all of this but was trying to let him tell his long story.

"I was wrong to think I could prepare you before I told you." He was still pacing and he was picking up on the frustration in her voice.

"Prepare me? To tell me what?"

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