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She was preparing for another night of sleep in the chair in the corner. The staff and doctor gave up trying to get her to go home. Even Ian had tried to talk to her, to talk her into going home to get some rest but if the choice was staying here with him or going home alone, she was staying. If she went home she'd be clutching or wearing the coat and trying to stay awake for fear of bad dreams.

They had told her that barring any complications, it appeared he was going to be okay. Really they were still amazed that he was alive. The new chit-chat among the nurses was about the miracle. It would take time to heal but they seemed to believe he would be fine. Even she believed he was going to be fine, it's just they were not happy she wouldn't leave, and a small part of her was afraid they'd say anything to get rid of her.

It was evening, things were quieting down. The doctor had been and gone. From time to time a nurse would come and go. As long as she stayed out of their way, they left her alone. Ian had slept off and on for most of the day. When he was awake they would have brief conversations.

Before he went to sleep again, he asked her to do something for him. He asked her to get something from the bag where she'd found the cross. She went to the wardrobe and pulled out the bag, curious about what he could want.

"The envelope that the cross came from, get it."

"Why? It's empty." she told him.

"Just get it."

She dug into the bag and pulled out the envelope. It had to be the same one, it had the word jewelry on it but it wasn't empty. She could feel something inside of it. She dug back into the bag for an empty envelope but there wasn't one. She gave him the envelope. She was confused. She knew she had emptied it into her hand the night before.

"Hold out your hands." he said.

She held them out to catch whatever was inside. From the envelope fell two gold bands into her waiting hands as he managed to maneuver the envelope to release it's contents. She looked at him. She was baffled by all of this.

"I want us to get married as soon as possible if you'll marry me." Those blue eyes were on her as she fingered the bands that she held in her hands.

"Where did they come from? They weren't in there last night."

Another miracle. He's giving us his blessing. He knows we belong together."

"God put wedding bands in the envelope?" She asked amazed.

"Yes. His gift. Krysta do you trust me?"

"You know I do with everything in me."

"Then will you marry me?" he asked again. "I know I'm not down on one knee and this might not be the most romantic proposal but my feelings are real and true."

"Yes, with everything in me. Yes."

"I have no diamond to offer, all I have is me." he said.

"You are my diamond, you are my everything. For the first time in my life I feel like I'm where I belong. I am at home with you. I have a home now."

She put the rings back into the envelope and put them back in the bag and wardrobe. Soon they would be on their fingers forever, as soon as they could make it happen. A tired Ian feel asleep. She kissed his forehead and went to her chair. She was tired too but too excited to sleep. She was getting married as soon as they could make it so. Lots of thoughts ran through her head. Finally, the tiredness took over and she fell asleep, a peaceful sleep.

It became easier to go home briefly to get cleaned up and do anything that might need to be done. She didn't however return to work. She wasn't even ready to consider that. One thing she had to deal with was Sarah.

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