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Krysta wasn't feeling very well when she woke up. At first she thought it was nerves about going to see the shop today but her morning coffee made her feel queasy. She didn't tell Ian though, she didn't want to spoil the chance to see the shop. Nothing was going to keep her away from that appointment today. It was too important to her, to them.

The rain had stopped before dawn and the sun was trying to make an appearance. After Ian finished his breakfast they got the jackets and took a walk up the street. An older graying man in an outdated suit met them and unlocked the door. Basically it showed them what they already knew from peeping through the window to showcase pieces which Krysta saw as a plus. There were selves against the walls and there was a counter also with display glass area at the bottom of it. In the back was another room which could be used as a work or storage area and a bathroom. It was small but not too small for a first shop.

Apparently this man, Mr. McCurdy had just inherited the building which had been sitting empty for a few years. He had decided to take a shot on renting it out. He was surprised to get a response so quickly. He thought it was once an old and used book store some years back, before bookstores became a more endangered species.

After questions walking around and talking amongst themselves, they decided to rent it. It would take a little while to make it ready but someone else might decide to take it if they didn't take it now. So they walked home with papers saying they had a shop, a set of keys and a lot of work ahead. They were filled with much excitement and anticipation towards their next new beginning.

Once back home Krysta went back to doing research and Ian went back to his work. Krysta was making lists. They would need a business license, either a cash register or receipt books for sales. She also thought they could use a few small tables, maybe round ones, sitting about with pieces on them.

Ian was putting finishing touches on another jewel box. Krysta tied to keep her mind on her work. She got some tea for them but she couldn't keep hers down. Her stomach was really upset today. Even though she still wanted to believe it was nerves or excitement she was now beginning to have doubts. She decided that maybe she had caught a stomach virus on their day out yesterday and that it would pass.

Ian showed his concern when he realized but she shrugged it off as a stomach bug. As the day went on it felt better and she figured that was that, that the worst of it was over.

The next morning she woke again feeling sick and again making nothing of it to Ian. He went to work after breakfast. She decided to take a walk up the street to the shop to take some pictures to help her get a better vision of what they had to work with. Ian offered to go but she told him she would be right back as soon as she had the pictures that she wanted.

The breakfast she ate made her sick by the time she got to the shop. At least Ian didn't know. She didn't want to worry him. She took the pictures, also taking mental pictures of how she thought it could look. She already had a vivid picture of what it could look like in her head. She knew the look she wanted to put forward to the customers but she had to make it real. She also wanted Ian to have it the way he envisioned it. He was the artist, the creative one.

As she started back for home, she decided to stop at the pharmacy for something to soothe her stomach. She found the aisle and looked at the various remedies, finally picking the one that she wanted. She also wanted something else while she was there. She bought the stomach medicine but she also found and bought a pregnancy test. It wouldn't soothe her stomach but it would ease her mind. She left the medicine in the pharmacy bag but put the pregnancy test in her jacket pocket as she headed back to the apartment. She wanted the results before she sprung it on Ian if she had to. They hadn't talked about children.

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