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Ian had once compared being given human form to being born. It was, after all, the birth of a human, one starting with nothing just as a newborn infant. Upon birth in humans the normal way, it is said God bestows special gifts which they will grow into. From these gifts came masterpieces, symphonies, books that touch any or every corner of imagination and inventions to change the world. None of God's gifts ever taken as too small or insignificant, all meant for a special reason or purpose in God's plan.

It began with her grandfather's tools and some discarded pieces of of wood that Ian found God's given talent. He created, he carved, he fashioned a beautiful wooden angel. He was so proud his eyes lit up as he showed it to her. He had touched, found his gift from God. His gift came through his hands to create and his inspiration was angels. She was so proud of him and his gifts. She hugged him tight, it was so easy to see how happy this made him.

She also realized that he wouldn't be stocking selves anymore. She knew his gift was his purpose and would provide. She believed he knew too and it was why he felt so proud. After all, he was born human with make pride as well.

Even beginnings have to be planned, well at least given some help sometimes. Their wedding had been a beginning for them and had taken planning to make happen. Again, they had to plan, no nurture this beginning. Krysta felt it within herself that instead of going back to the flower shop they needed to nurture his gift, his talent, and create a business out of it. They were financially okay. She still had the money from selling the farm, a considerable amount because of the house and many acres of land. Most of all, she wanted Ian to have this. He had given her so much even when she wasn't aware he was there. They even had a name for the business: Guardian's Angels.

With more passing days and more pieces of wood, he carved and fashioned more angels. He also shaped and embellished a wooden jewel box decorated with cherubs carved into the top. Together, they worked, Ian creating and Krysta doing research on how to start a run a business.

Sarah had been silent and absent but someone told her that Krysta wasn't coming back to work at the shop. Krysta found a text on her phone.

Hey girl heard you're not

coming back to work.

Krysta thought about avoiding an answer right away but was afraid that would bring her knocking on the door. So she texted back:

Busy right now. I'll be in touch soon.

Spring finally began to bring hints of its upcoming arrival. It warmed a bit and began to melt the white blanket that for so long had covered the ground. Krysta yearned to see some green again and feel warm spring sunshine. They planned an outing. Ian wanted to go to the craft store and hardware store. Krysta wanted to check out a shop for rent. She knew Ian couldn't fill a shop yet, she just wanted to look out of curiosity. She didn't want them to miss out on the right one. Since Krysta had been cooking more, they decided they would stop for their favorite pizza.

Their first stop was the shop. It was drab, dirty with few windows. It was the proper place to display his work. Both agreed it wasn't what they were looking for. It was okay, they weren't really ready yet anyway. There was a prefect place out there somewhere, and Krysta believed they would find it.

It was just nice being out strolling the streets hand in hand, window shopping and enjoying the spring like day. Ian picked out some cut lumber pieces at the hardware store and arranged for it to be delivered in a day or so. He found some paints, varnishes, brushes and other materials at the craft store. He even bought a wood burning tool to experiment with. They also agreed to deliver. By then, it was past lunch time and they were ready for pizza. It was the same place they had gone on their very first outing the day he came to live with her. A monumental day. After ordering their food, they sat reminiscing about the day the changes in their lives since.

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