Noventa y Uno

28 1 0

It's been three days since Yoongi and Jimin last met but none of the two seems to want to meet each other yet, not when both just learned from their loved ones the truth that is about time to be unfold.

Both are devastated. Torn between the situation. It seems like the Heaven is playing tricks on them.

Jimin doesn't want to believe.

Yoongi doesn't want too, but the truth is always painful seldom happy to hear.

It started with Jimin not responding to him for a day before he was called by Namjoon, for the very first time to join him to drink to which he asks if he could bring Jungkook along and the later agreed and soon Hoseok was also with them too.

It took a couple of drinks before Namjoon blurted out his anger towards Jin bust mostly because of the situation they're in. Then Jungkook butt in the conversation. Sharing similar problem with his father. At first, Yoongi does not want to believe what he is hearing but when Hoseok confirmed it is indeed the truth he laughed, a painful laugh.

Life is really a joke, ain't it? he thought.

It seems ironic to him, it was just like yesterday when Jackson was joking about Jimin being an angel and the younger asking him if he believes in angels whereas he kept on answering them the same. No, he doesn't, but ever since he learned about the truth it pains him to think of the idea that Jimin will be leaving him all alone again.

But then, a spark of hope uplift him.

Like what the three had said, if Jimin won't be able to get ahold of his feather he won't be able to remember his past memories, he won't be able to get back being an angel and if that happens, then Jimin won't be able to leave him.

As selfish as it might sound, not caring if the Heavens will punish a mere mortal like him for keeping an angel to himself, he would gladly take it all for him because to him, Jimin is his comfort here on earth. His safe place that he doesn't want to let go of.

HEAVENS LINE (YOONMIN)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora