Treinta y Seis

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It has been nine months since Jimin lived with Jungkook and be close with Hoseok and Yoongi and he now starts to understand how most things work.

He doesn't want to burden too much of them for living comfortably underneath their care. He wants to pay them back for their kindness and that is what he is trying to do at the moment. He had read and seen enough to understand that money can buy anything and for you to have money, you have to work.

Of course, none of the three knew what he was about to do otherwise they will stop him from doing what he wants to do for them.

But how will he find a job? He isn't a graduate of any degree. He just knows how to read and write for the most part plus he don't know if there will be people willing to pay him with the only skill he has.

While searching for a place where he could apply for work, he came across a tall man that has an ethreal beauty like his, staring to nothing and wears a familiar hospital gown, sitting on a stone bench.

He looks around to see if there are any doctor or nurse nearby but couldn't find one so being the kind person he is, he walks up to the man to asks.

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