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Jimin heaves a sigh and look past the people walking here and there from where he sat. He is hungry but don't know how he would fill his stomach.

He had been on the streets for who knows how long without any recollection of who he is or where he came from.

What he looks now is way different from what he was before. His body is covered in dirt with his tattered big shirt and loose pants and he stinks too.

He doesn't know how to communicate. He can hear people chatting when they walk past him but he couldn't understand what they were saying nor the written signs they try to communicate to him, thinking he is  mute. But even if that is the case, there are still people who are willing to be kind enough to him and give him food.

If only people knew that he was infact an angel, they might have treated him differently but of course, they don't and will never know. It is suppose to be hidden, like the myth itself.

He lost his memories when his wings were taken away. His memories were in those feathers and since it was far long gone and will not be able to regain not unless a feather of his will be touch by him or stab to his back, then he will remain a mortal until he dies and by then, they can decide whether he will be forgiven and be an angel again.

Of course, all angels were once mortals too. Mortals who were too good to be with other mortals and after changing to become an angel, their memories as mortals are remove.

"There you are! I thought you left."

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