Ochenta y Nueve

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"You did what?" exclaimed Hoseok, surprised that his brother had even thought of marriage with his busy schedule. Yoongi nods with a smile.

"Yeah, he's my fianceè now." he replied, shyly. Hoseok shook his head in disbelief and is proud of his brother's brave act. However he cannot seem to be fully happy remembering about the fact that Jimin is an angel along with Jin and Taehyung and that one day, without anyone of them knowing, they might leave them behind and he is terrified of the fact what it can do to Yoongi once Jimin leaves.

"Hey, aren't you a little calm about me getting married? You're not jealous, are you? That I didn't tag you along with us when I proposed to Jimin?" he chuckled, "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure Chim will understand why I didn't let you be there."

Yoongi took out the ring made out of daisies that Jimin made on the day of his proposal to him, carefully placed on the box where Jimin's ring was once placed.

"Y'know, I just remembered something funny and nostalgic when we were there."

"What do you mean?" asks Hoseok as he carefully lifts the box that has the daisy ring on it. Fear slowly creeping in.

"I brought him at our favorite spot and he immediately ran towards where daisies grow. Exactly where Chim spends his time everytime we go there. Jimin almost reminds me of Chim. Especially when he was sitting beside me doing the daisy ring," he chuckled, "Have I also told you that he almost slip at the exact part of the old brige where Chim. ."

". . Died?" Hoseok finishes for him.

There was a moment of silence upon remembering the past before Yoongi nods. It was a memory he didn't want to remember. It was tragic, really. Imagine falling in love in such a young age to another mortal with a beautiful soul that was taken away by the Heavens too soon.

"It's funny really, Seokie. It seems like I was also proposing to Chim just like he jokingly said before that if I don't find someone to marry, he'll be there to marry me just to watch me as long as he could to annoy me."

Hoseok's eyes widened when he realizes what Yoongi had said and when he noticed how the daisy ring was knotted. It was not just a regular knot one would make to tie a daisy, it was indeed a knot that only he knew and thought to Chim.

"Of fuck," he muttered, Why haven't I realize that? Jin and Taehyung seems to have connection with Jungkook and Appa when they were once mortals! How did I slip pass this just now? he thought.

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