Ochenta y Ocho

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"You really won't give me a clue either to where we are heading off, are you?"

"If I do, my surprise will never be a surprise anymore." he replied, chuckling.

"Whatever, hyung. As long as you have a good reason in hiding secrets from me I will let this slide." says Jimin, reaching out to Yoongi's seat to give him a peck on his lips. Yoongi smiled.

The ride going to the orphanage was a comfortable silence between the two of them. It wasn't awkward and no tension at all. Jimin almost fell asleep while Yoongi kept his cool as he checks Jimin from time to time. He is not sure if Jimin will agree but he hopes he does. It doesn't matter whether everyone approves of their relationship. For all he knows, he is ready to embark a new journey with him and that is the reason why he wants to fulfill his promise to a friend of his from a long time ago in the orphanage.

"Oh my, you grew up just exactly how we thought you're going to be. It's been a long time since I last saw you. Your brother Hoseok is already an old face here with the kids as he always visits." the caretaker, Nari, who had been such a lovely lady even when she was still young exclaimed.

"I know, by the way, I would like you to meet Jimin, my boyfriend."

"Hi, I heard from Yoongi before that you were the one who took care of them when they were still living here with you and the other kids. Thank you for taking care of them and the other children," he said, smiling earning a smile in response from Nari as they both hug each other.

"Oh, such a lovely young man. I wonder if Chim would have been like him," says Nari, smiling but not reaching her eyes.

"Who's Chim?" he asks, looking at Yoongi.

"A close friend of mine and Seokie. C'mon, I'll bring you to our favorite spot here." says Yoongi, pulling him.

As weird as it may seem, but hearing the name Nari mentioned bring warmth and a pinch kind of pain in his heart.

I wonder who he is and how close he is with Yoongi he thought.

They ended up at a mini forest with a streaming lake not far from the back of the orphanage. It was mesmerizing especially when the light is shining down the grass. It was ethreal. Who would have thought such place exists?

"Hyung! Look! There's daisies!" says Jimin, gleefully hopping to where the flowers are, that he almost slip. Almost giving Yoongi a panic attack too especially when it was at the same place where he lost the first person who he cared for which he thinks was an absolute angel that the Heavens allowed mortals to borrow for a while.

"Careful, baby. I don't want to loose you."

"You're not going to loose me, hyung. I am here. Just right infront of you." he giggled, placing a soft kiss into his lips.

Minutes passed, they are already beside the streaming lake as Jimin carefully picked a few daisies and strung them to create a ring.

"Anyway, why did you bring me here, hyung?" asks Jimin.

Yoongi clears his throat, "I want to show you where I came from. That I am, not at all as what others think. I didn't originally came from a rich family nor know my biological parents not that I want to know who they are and why they did leave me behind. I just want to show you who I really am, that I am just a mere boy who wished one day to find someone who will accept me for who I really am and that happens to be you which leads me deciding that I want to spend the rest my life with you as long as I can and as long I can keep you mine."

Jimin immediately turn his head around to face Yoongi whose still sitting beside him and reaching something in his pocket. They stared at each other for awhile before he spoke again.

"Will you marry me, Jimin?" he asks, revealing the simple yet elegant silver ring that has an embedded daisy design with diamonds around it.

Jimin's eyes water. No, it wasn't because of sadness, though there is a small hint of pain to which he couldn't afford to take notice now as he was too happy to think of anything else but Yoongi proposing to marry him.

"Yes, I do!" he replied, placing a kiss on his lips and caging Yoongi with a tight hug.

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