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"I already did everything I could, Mr. Min but I really cannot find any information about Jimin," says Jackson, shaking his head in dismay. This was the first time he wasn't able to do his job as a private investigator.

Yoongi sighed, "It's fine, Mr. Wang. You don't have to feel disappointed about it. You did your best and for that, I am thankful. I just really wanted to help Jimin find his way home."

"I understand but maybe he doesn't belong here?" he exclaimed, thinking of something to lighten up the mood.

"What do you mean?"

"Y'know, maybe he is from another planet."

Yoongi gives him a disappointed look Jackson immediately puts both of his hands in the air to show he has surrendered.

"I was just kidding. But we never know. He's really pretty. His face is very, I don't know, out of this world. Like an angel."

Angel? Yoongi thought.

"Yeah, he kinda looks like one but angels can't be real. If they do, there shouldn't be any crime or anything bad happening because they are supposed to guide us is what they say."

"I don't mean to intrude on your personal belief, Mr. Min but hasn't it crossed your mind that they could be real? I mean, I wouldn't be here speaking to you now if one hadn't saved you before. you know what I'm talking about." exclaimed Jackson with a shrug.

The statement made Yoongi silent.

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