Cincuenta y Nueve

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"I don't want you to bring your friend again to any of our gatherings, understood? And if your father asks for him, tell him that your friend is busy and if possible tell him he's already married," says their mother as Hoseok escorts him to their car where the chauffeur is waiting for her. He could sense his mother's big disapproval of Jin and he wanted to know why even if that meant he would look like someone prying on personal information.

"And why is that? Jin didn't do anything wrong to you or anyone that is on our table so what's going on exactly?"

Mrs. Kim stopped walking and faced him, The annoyance was very visible on her beautiful face but she didn't miss on putting a fake smile on people who were passing by. This action gave Hoseok an irking feeling towards her. Such a two-faced, he thought.

"It's not for you to know. I want him out of the picture starting tonight and hopefully forever as soon as possible. Where did you even meet him? The cemetery?" she exclaimed, almost sarcastic at the last part but Hoseok was dumbfounded at that because how ironic, he did meet Jin at the cemetery.

He sighed, "You may be our adoptive mother but it doesn't mean I will oblige to any of your requests without knowing the reason why. Like I said, Jin didn't do anything wrong so I'm not sure why you act like he stole anything from you or something because from what I can see, Appa is fond of my friend right there.".

"And that's exactly why I don't want to see him ever again! He's not a good influence on your Appa!" she replied, veins were visible from her neck and she was almost about to burst but again, she is good at faking otherwise media might make this another issue to ruin their family's image and she does not want that, "Just do what I said as a payback for me and your Appa adopting you from that stinky, old orphanage. You don't want your reputation to get ruined, right? Just because of a faggot friend."

Hoseok was left stunned at his place as Mrs. Kim drove off with the chauffeur.

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