3:10 to Crazytown

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Duncan: "The Wild West was a great time for those that enjoyed old timy show downs along with being able to ride off into the sunset after the town bandits or if you were said bandits than you ride off into the night with all that you stole."

Yy: "So... there homeless people fueled by a desire for acceptance."

Duncan just lets out a loud sigh as he probably wonders just how Yy could live without even being able to join the simplest pleasures in life like watching a dumb movie about cowboys and all their incarnations.

The dumbest thing to Yy however was when both Duncan and Gwen started talking about something involving some Robot Sheriff from the future who traveled back in time to bring some people to law who managed to escape its grasp but then has to fight some alien Indian creature?

And now you may be asking why they were talking about all this pointless Cowboy stuff first thing in the morning before anyone even got any food in them... well except Owen of course who somehow managed to be the first one in the Craft service tenet? Like seriously how did this big guy get here before anyone else as they all went to shower and get ready for the day at the exact same time and then he just seemed to vanish as everyone found him eating some slop like he didn't just break the law of physics.

Anyway the reason for the Cowboy talk was because Chris came in and told them all that they were all going to do an old western style movie challenge as Leshwana and Donna's hairs were fluffier and more dense with hair because of the sudden heat wave that seemed to have no affect on Chris of Chef in any way...  

The worst part of all of that thought (besides the fact everyone was making jokes about either Yy or the challenge and he had no idea which was which.) Is the fact that they all had to do some old western style things with the first one being diving on top of an old fragile donkey.

Every member of the Screaming Gaffers seemed for the most part alright with their diving onto the poor creature as Leshawna bounced across the area with her afro hair without getting seriously damaged in the process as Donna managed to safely land on the donkey only to get kicked off and towards a nearby watering hole. As she sat there spitting water out with her shirt being even more snug than it was before as she tied it up to become a crop top as just laide in the sun for a bit waiting to get dry as Chris ordered the next person to jump.

Next up to the plate came Sam as she along with her sister had changed into swimsuits as two cheerleader girls wearing skits jumping from a high dive ladder isn't the best thing marketing wise... either that or the twins just didn't feel like it as Gwen did the jump and everything with her skirt flip and didn't seem to really care all that much about it.

When Sam came crashing down onto the Donkey she did so like a princess as she sat on the poor things side as Yy helped get her off for no reason other than because he was honestly worried about the Donkey more than anything else especially when it came his turn to jump off the high dive.

What was a bit odd however was seeing Amy look very scared as Yy was climbing up the ladder, as Yy looked down and saw Amy actually manage to land on the Donkey but in process do it in suck a way that she seemed to have broken a bit as she just slid off and didn't seem to change facial expression at all from one looking like she was in pure fear and pain as she creepy smiled.

And when it finally came time for Yy to jump off the high dive... well he did... in a way to say the least as he jumped off after doing a little cart wheel flip as he started spinning down onto the poor Donkey who didn't even seem fazed by any of this unlike when Owen tried to jump on him.

As Yy was spinning like a top he was using his powers ever so slightly to make sure that he was basically reverse falling a bit as he made himself lighter than before, which was why he did all that extra performance because he didn't want the others to see him due something like this.

But what ended up happening was Yy standing on top of the Donkey with only his index and middle fingers from only his right hand as he basically did a hand stand until he jumped off as he was sweating pretty hard. Because even with all his powers with Aura doing something as hard as that whilst manipulating your aura so that no one could see what even more challenging then getting the twins to make up or at the very least shut up.

Chris: "And the winners are the Screaming Gaffers!"

Screaming Gaffers: "(Cheer and applaud their victory.)"

Chris: "Calm down we still a got second part of the competition to get to before anyone officially wins todays challenge."

Owen then appears wearing only his underwear, chaps, cowboy boots, and a giant hat with a star in the center of it as he drinks out of two water pistols causing Chris to become very annoyed.

Chris: "(Annoyed) Owen! Those were supposed to be for the final showdown (stomps his foot)!"

Owen: "(Laughs) Sorry. I was thirsty."

Yy: "(Whispers to Duncan) Probably from thinking about Izzy for too long."

Duncan: "(Laughs) Didn't know you had that in you young grasshopper (does a little bow with one leg, either as a sign of respect or making fun of.)"

Yy: "Well I learned from the master (and before Duncan can shine in glee Yy points to Gwen.)"

Duncan: "(Fist bumps Yy) Nice."

Eventually Chef cam in wearing a very see through dress as Chris laughs only for him to get tied up by Chef who then leaves to get changed as Chris explains that to win the game overall all they have to do is tie up the other team members.

Chris: "And since Screaming Gaffers one last round they get to be cowboys capturing their prize (points with his neck towards the udder hats as he grunts from trying to get out) as for the Killer Grips all you have to do is wait till the time runs out."

Chris then lets out a giant whistle as everyone starts running around after each other with one group of people being more dead set on fighting than the others and at this point if you don't know who they are then you've either haven't been paying attention or where thinking of Duncan and Harold.

Anyway Yy went off running towards the Killer Grips and stooped when he saw Donna and Lindsay with both of them looking like they were trying to invite him like a succubus at a backyard BBQ hosted in southern Texas with the main dish being Ribs.

He honestly couldn't figure out which was to go as the only difference between the two was the fact that one had more meat and the other had different flavors of sauce that he hadn't tried before and was starting to see the wispy hand calling him over.

Yy eventually shakes his head and wonders if he's been spending too much time with Owen as said man rugby tackles Yy to the ground and proceeds to tie him up as both men can faintly hear some tongues clicking as Owen hoists Yy up like he's an old sack of potato's.

Eventually the Screaming Gaffers still somehow managed to win even with Yy, Duncan, and even DJ getting tied up and placed next to the mast that Chris was tied to before he managed to break free and give the Killer Grips their own ropes to hog tie with.

And at the end of it all there are very fine lines in relationships that even Yy of all people knew Trent was seeming to ignore and this man has been basically home schooled all his entire life... now mind you he did get tutors that cost about as much as going to university for some people but still!

I mean the guy wanted to get hit with a flaming G when Chris joked about branding one of the losing team members! That's not something that even Yy would do, AND THE MAN ALREADY HAS A BRANDED TATTO OVER HIS HEART!

Anyway Trent would later be voted off in a way that is only more tragic when you later realize that Gwen was forced to watch through the entire thing over Chris's cameras as he smiled the entire time like the devil he truly always meant to be.

And while this happened in the meantime Yy began learning more about western movies and some movies in general thanks to the help from Donna and Lindsay as they seemed to have fun teasing him about his lack of knowledge all night long.

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace!

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