Alien Resurr-eggtion

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Its been a week since last time with all the guys trying their best to get readjusted to living with everyone else (mainly Owen and his sleep farts) along with some new additions some being positive while others being negative.

Like the first good thing is the fact that they guys don't have to be as careful as before with their living arrangements while also being a bit more "annoying" would be the words Yy would place if he had to as Harold and Duncan have problems while Geoff and Trent seem to be very dedicated to their girls even in their sleep.

Yy's all about being free and being able to be with those you care about but like EVERY! SIGNLE! NIGHT! He'd have to hear the dreams of his fellow guys and for the most part thanks to his training Yy doesn't really need any sleep unless he's really, really tired or if his inner energy is almost or is empty.

So every... freaking... night for the past week he had to listen to Duncan talk in his sleep about the different ways he would hurt Harold who would respond as if he could hear before then saying all the things he wanted to do with Courtney.

While Geoff was much more tame as everything he said was nice and sweet along with it being mostly about a party or they were at one with a few exceptions being the times when he along with Bridgette would be riding some gnarly waves.

And those were the best nights he's not even going to get into what happened on the other nights but thankfully Yy won't have to deal with any of that for much longer as it was high time they got a challenge so at least that was something to look forward too.

And upon exiting the trailer along with the other guys every single one of them along with Yy were just aw struck by Donna and how she wasn't wearing a thing and only carrying with her the clothes she would be changing into once she finished as she turned towards the guys and blew them all a kiss.

Donna Confessional: "(Static with her still being naked) What? I know I got a (moves her hands down her frame) fine looking body so why not show it off? And besides I don't think any guy wouldn't like seeing more of this (static)."

Duncan: "(Whistles) Now that is a good way to wake up am I right (looks behind him)!"

Behind Duncan is a very nervous Harold who had managed to lock eyes with Lashawna and was scared of her hurting him so he tries his best to repent and show that she is the only one for him, same goes for Geoff with Bridgette as he also tries to make up with his girl which works surprisingly well.

Duncan confessional: "(Static) I swear I don't know what's wrong with these guys they see a smoking hot chick and try their best to act like it never happened with Yy going so far as to do some Asian ritual thing to try and "purge his unwanted thoughts" as he called it with it eventually spreading to the rest of the guys... I swear I'm surrounded by wimps (static)."

Once the girls were done a lot of guys took very cold showers that day like they usually do whenever Donna comes out from the girls trailers first for her shower while Yy takes one that feels about the same as flowing magma!

With all the other guys just rolling their eyes at the absurdity of their friend and fellow guy as they all then head towards the mess hall to get some of their chow on with Owen following behind them as he seemed needed more time to shower.

Once inside the mess hall Geoff and Bridgette starting making out like the world was ending or something greatly annoying everyone else who was trying to get something to eat before the day truly started.

Duncan: "Keep the line movin', lovebirds."

Geoff & Bridgette: "(Keep kissing each other as they start moving out of the line.)"

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