Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-Seven

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She held her right hand straight out to her side. Before I knew it, I had done the same thing. She then bites her right thumb and returns it to her right side. I could see her blood pouring out more than it should have onto the black liquid. The liquid started bubbling as several of these black blades rose from the pool. They were black scythes of death and there were too many to count. Surrounding me floating upwards. I then realized that my blood was doing the same thing as hers. Intertwining with hers forming weapons.

"How was this possible?" I thought. The unnatural shrieking that was all too familiar returned. The light from my body burned brightly and I could see the creatures from last time were backing away from my light. Their almost human faces wrecked with hunger. Another louder, deeper shriek sounded and shook the ground. Loud stomps that felt like mini earthquakes came closer. With each step, the other creatures ran off around me in a herd like a stampede. An enormous giant of a creature came into the light. It was over twenty feet tall. 

The monster had the body of a hairless bear or gorilla with a head that looked like a twisted elephant's head. Those eyes were horrifying, an eerie glowing red light emitting from them like red jewels. Its teeth were huge maulers and had an enormous, crooked trunk with a long snout. The monster had four arms with human-like hands with one set with razor sharp talons and the other set with hands that looked like gigantic boulders that could crush a human in an instant.

The light coming from me didn't bother the patched work creature as it advanced towards me. I then noticed two more behind it stomping towards me. That was my cue to run, and when I did, I remembered that I couldn't. The pool of blackish liquid was down to my knees. "Were those weapons made of this liquid?" I thought. 

The girl called Death laughed out loud when I thought. More weapons rapidly formed around me. There were so many blades they blocked the monsters' advancing. The blades were now spinning in a circle around me at high speeds. They shredded the giant in front to pieces in a gut-wrenching fashion. It's blood and pieces of meat were flying all over me, covering me in a thick coat of its blood. Like mindless fools, the other two stomped their way into death.

"Do you see?" Death said.

"I did this?" I asked.

She only smiled and stepped back into the darkness. "Was it over?" I thought. The loud shrieks echoing in the darkness meant it had. More were coming. I felt a crooked smile crept its way across my face. My sight turned red as I felt like a haze was coming over me. For a moment I thought I was someone else.

The sting for the bright light hurt my eyes. "Where was I?" I thought. The light caused me to cover my eyes. I looked around my surroundings', noticing Rachel was in a bed across the room from me. We were in a hospital room or a recovery ward. I checked my neck to find the wound was no longer there. That prompted me to check my shoulder. It was as I had thought. The bite wound there had healed. "I vividly remember being bitten, but by what?" I thought. "Something had attacked Rachel and me. All I could remember was a hazy fog. I'd escaped that place called the Catacombs. Yet, why hadn't we escaped further?" Rachel was waking just as a doctor walked in.

"Ah, your wake. How do you feel? You had a rough test the other day. I'm Doctor Laken," The blonde doctor stated.

"What test?" I asked.

"Your exercise in the lower Catacombs. It was a training test. You did strikingly well," Doctor Laken answers.

Somehow, I couldn't believe a word he said. His sinister smile didn't seem like he was telling the truth. Something was wrong, but I couldn't put my finger on it. This wasn't how many of the doctors here behaved. My recollection of the Catacombs was also fuzzy, but I couldn't remember why I was down there and what I was doing. "Was Rachel with me down there? If so, why? They paired Diane with me. Where were Diane and Kristen?" I thought. Maybe Doctor Laken would know and not bullshit me if I asked.

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