33: Dreams

555 14 117

Karl Jacobs


My window creaks as it's being opened and I step back into my room to find Sapnap climbing through. He's wearing my favourite sweater and I can't help but smile as he settles on my bed, looking at me waiting until I join him. I grin as I make my way to lay down with him. He pulls me close the second I hit the bed, his arms wrap around me and I let out a loud laugh. I feel him kiss the top of my head as I curl up into his chest. I've been waiting all day for this, waiting to be alone with him. 

"I love you, Karl" he says it softly, like we're in a crowded room and he only wants me to hear it. "I love you so much".

"I think I love you more" I look up at him, he just smirks. 

"Impossible" he pulls me closer and presses his lips to mine. I sit up properly, our lips never once leaving each others. My hand rests on his cheek and his arms wrap around my neck, an attempt to somehow pull me closer to him. 

He deepens the kiss as his hands begin to move to my neck. My hand falls to his chest, giving his hand more space to roam my body. I pull away from him for a second to catch my breath, but he's quick to pull me back in. One hand now tangled in my hair and I can feel him lightly tugging it in the way he knows I like. I gasp as he does it again-

"Karl!" my eyes spring open and i'm met with Lola standing above me, her cheeks are bright red and she's giggling to herself. 

"Lola" I groan suddenly feeling very awake and stuck in reality. "What's wrong?" 

"Nothing, we just need to leave now" she shrugs. "Were you having a good dream?"

I roll my eyes and ignore her. I get up out of bed and push Lola out of the room before getting dressed for school. My hand brushes over the sweater he returned to me. I think of wearing it, how would Harmony react if she saw me wearing it? How would he react? 

I ignore my temptations and reach for one of my other sweaters. I grab my bags and meet Lola downstairs so we can leave. She's sitting at the kitchen island talking with Mr. Mavric. Mum let it slip that she was seeing him a week ago, but Lola somehow already knew. She said she guessed it a while ago when she was over one day but mum just confirmed it for her. I don't hear what they're talking about, I can just see him laughing about something she's said to him. 

"You ready?" I ask, spinning my keys around. Lola says bye and hops off the bar stool before joining me. 

We walk to my car in silence, it stays silent until we're out of the car and walking through the school gates. Lola grabs my hand, I squeeze her hand tightly as we walk past Sapnap. The past two weeks have been a blur for me, but I know that i'm doing better. I've been paying less attention to him in real life, but at night he's the only person on my mind. Every day i'm upset when I wake up and all I do is wait until i'm laying in my bed sleeping again. He visits me in my dreams all the time now, and we're always happy. We're alive. 

Lola and I pass Aaron in the hall, I can see the way he's looking her. She never looks back anymore. Ever since the wedding i've noticed how much lighter Lola is, she doesn't care about things the way she once did. She's different in the best way possible, it's refreshing. Percy and Noah loved her, and she loved them. Since hanging out with them we've become a bit of a group, it's never just Lola and I anymore. Percy is always around too, and whenever he gets the chance to be here Noah is there with us.

"Karl!" Percy shouts my name before we reach him. "Hello Lola".

"Hi Percy" she smiles up at him. "The blonde is a look".

"Thank you" he runs his hand through his new blonde hair. "Karl, I need to know if you'll be coming by on Friday. Noah is coming by again".

"Is it going to be a big party?" I wince at the memory of the other parties i've been to this year.

"No, we don't know anyone good enough but you guys" Percy looks between Lola and I as he says it. "Please come by".

"Come on, Karl" Lola lightly nudges me. I look down to her but she's already looking away.

"Fine, fine i'll come by. But i'm leaving if there are more people there" Percy nods his head quickly just as the bell rings. 

We go our separate ways. I enter my class and sit down in my usual seat before Sapnap enters the room. I feel his eyes on me and I look up, making eye contact with him. I look away but I feel his eyes linger for a bit. He walks past me and I feel his finger lightly brush my shoulder as he passes. That alone is enough for those butterflies to flutter again for the first time since he walked out of my bedroom. 

The memory of him in my bedroom creeps back to me but I quickly erase it as I begin to think of him climbing through my window. I stare down at my empty sheet of paper, letting my brain imagine things that have never happened and will most likely never happen. Thoughts of Sapnap take over, his hands, his mouth, his eyes. All of him spills throughout my mind. The version of him that lives in my head is the only one I have, that last thing I want is for the real version of him to slip between the cracks and ruin the idea I have of him in my mind. 


It's now Friday and I remember nothing about my week. I just know that i'm standing at Percys door with Lola hanging off my arm. She looks good. She's glowing, it's a glow i've never seen her with before. I want to ask her what has changed but i'm too scared to ruin it. I want to see her like this, always. 

"Finally!" Noah shouts as he opens the door. "The pizza was getting cold".

We follow him through Percys house until we're in the back room. Percy is laying down on the couch already passed out, and sitting on the single couch across from him is someone i've never met before. Noah lightly slaps Percy awake, when he's up his face lights up as he sees Lola and I standing in the doorway.

"Lola and Karl" he grins before making his way over to us. He scoops Lola up as he hugs her before putting her down and moving on to hug me in a less exciting way. "You're only an hour late".

"Sorry, I had some hair issues" Lola lies for me.  The truth is that she once again had to wake me up from one of my dreams and it made us late.

"I don't believe you can have hair issues, Lola" Percy lightly taps Lolas head. "Anyway, it's time for you to meet Henry".



how is everyone?? 

did yall like this chapter??

just give me all of your thoughts A L W A Y S


im in the mood to hear some new music so pls pls pls leave some good recs !!!

i hope everyone is safe and is having an AMAZING day/night! 

you all deserve the best

ily xxxxx

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