57: invisible string

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Karl Jacobs


"More to the left" I groan as I listen to his commands. "More left! We're going to hit this pole" I hear the panic in his voice before I hear a thud.

"Did we hit it?" I ask and receive no reply. "Does the silence mean yes?"

"It's okay" Sapnap huffs, "lets keep going".

We slowly continue moving the box up the stairs. I kick the apartment door open as we enter the room, he directs me to the living room and we gently place the box down on the ground. I give him a satisfied smile before hugging him.

"Don't get too excited, babe. We still have the last two boxes to bring up" he laughs. 

"It's just boxes of clothes! We've moved all the furniture in, Sapnap we have our own place!" I look around the loft, grinning at how far we've come together. "We should go to Central Park tomorrow, I need a nap after all this moving".

"Karl" he chuckles and I look over to him. "We live here now, we can go to Central Park anytime we want! We can go see Times Square whenever we're bored! You and I now live in New York, it isn't a simple trip away, it's real and it's permanent" he steps closer to me and grabs my hands.

"How can any of this possibly be real?" I question, a grin stuck to my face.

"It's real because we're doing it together" he kisses the tip of my nose. "Now lets go get those last boxes so I can take the moving truck back before we get charged extra".

"Oh wait" I pull out my phone after is buzzes. "It's Lola, she sent us a photo. I think it's the engagement ring".

"Let me see!" Sapnap runs over to me and hovers over the phone. "Oh my, how on Earth did Noah afford that ring?"

"I've been telling you guys that he's good at saving money" I chuckle. "I guess we'll be going home sometime next year, we can't miss their wedding".

"Of course we're not going to miss their wedding" he laughs. "Now lets go get the boxes so we can chill out in our apartment".

I follow him back downstairs. I grab my last box of clothes and he grabs his own before we slide the truck door down. We calmly make our way back upstairs and I  drop my box so I can fish the keys out of my pockets.

"Do you have them?" Sapnap asks after it takes me a bit too long to locate the keys.

"Of course I have them, Sapnap" I dangle the keys in his face before I put them into the lock.

"Sorry" an unfamiliar voice with a British accent speaks up and I turn to see a stranger standing behind Sapnap and I. "I couldn't help but overhear and I just have to ask, did you just call him Sapnap?"

"Uh, yea. It's a nickname" Sapnap replies and the mysterious British guy just smiles while looking between us.

"No way" Sapnap and I share a confused glance before he continues, "it's me! I'm George".

"No" Sapnaps eyes go wide as he stares at George, "y-you live in London? What are you doing here?" 

"I moved here just last month!" i'm watching them, still feeling confused.

"I'm sorry" I speak up, cutting Sapnap off before he had the chance to speak. "I'm lost".

"Karl, it's the guy we play Minecraft with" I frown, still not knowing what's going on. "He's Georgenotfound! We have a server with him".

"Oh!" My eyes go wide as I look back to George. "Oh my God! It's you!" I immediately pull him into a hug and Sapnap joins us.

"It's me" George chuckles. "How funny is it that we end up as neighbours!"

"In New York!" Sapnap adds, still laughing. 

"Why are you here? What happened to London?" I ask, wanting to know more about him.

"Well I came here for work, but they're already relocating me" he sighs. "Next week i'm going to Australia for a year, so we only have a week to hang out before i'm gone".

"We can do a lot in a week" I say. "We still haven't been to Central Park".

"I can take you there tomorrow" George shrugs like going to Central Park is no big deal. "I need to head off to grab some things before I go off to Australia, but i'll be back soon. Do you guys want to come by for dinner?"

"We'd love to!" Sapnap grins.

We say goodbye to George and he disappears down the stairs. I unlock the door and we drop our last boxes before turning to face each other. I grin at Sapnap and he returns it.

"We haven't even been in this city for a whole day and we already have dinner plans" he chuckles. 

"I think that's a sign that moving here is the right decision" I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I never doubted it" he speaks softly, the way he speaks when he wants the words to only be for me. "Going anywhere in this world is the right decision if it means i'm there with you".

Continue following Georges story in Late Night Talking!!
A new DNF AU fic :)








so now is the time i thank you all for reading Sweater Weather!!

i appreciate all the love and support i've received while publishing this fic, you're all the sweetest people ever!! it is the first ever fic i've posted so i was very scared no one would enjoy it, knowing so many of you liked it makes me SO SO happy <3

i started this sooooo long ago and i didn't think i'd finish it... i honestly logged back on to take it down but then i noticed that people were commenting wanting more!! and that was enough motivation for me to continue <3 


i hope you all enjoy Late Night Talking as much as you enjoyed Sweater Weather!

here is the Spotify playlist for Sweater Weather: 

and here is the Youtube playlist:

i love you all very very much <3

one bit of advice before i go...

keep an eye out for any notifications... i might have one more Karlnap surprise left for you all <3

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