21: Fade Into You

573 18 42

Karl Jacobs


Having my arms around my fake girlfriend while at a party i'm hosting is something I never thought would happen to me. We're standing at the door welcoming our guests and i'm just waiting for Sapnap to get here. Aaron was the first person here and he walked in with a girl Lola and I have never seen before. I saw the look of heartbreak on Lola's face for a second before she went back to acting like she's in love with me. 

Lola talks to everyone that walks in, everyone here was invited by here so they're all her friends. I'm just here as her accessory, and i'm okay with that. I know I could never keep up with knowing this many people, or having this many friends. I have no idea how one person can know so many people. Especially someone that isn't always liked by others.

"Karl, this is Katie" Lola turns to me and my arms fall down back to my side. "I've known her since we were like babies. Literally born in the same hospital".

"Oh, hey" I smile at Katie and she smiles back.

"I've heard so much about you" Katie's voice is raspy. The kind of rasp that is nice, like it's natural and not the kind that comes right after screaming for hours. She has fire red dyed hair and shiny green eyes. I feel like I already know her from somewhere, but I just don't remember. 

"Me too" I lie. "Are you from around here?" I surprise myself by continuing the conversation with her.

"Not really. My dad lives here so i'm around once a month visiting him. I live like two hours from here" she chuckles. "I did one year of school here though"

I then remember who she is. The little girl I met on the very first day of school. She was blonde then, and her arms were covered in many different band-aids just because she liked how it looked. Katie was my first friend, and my first bully. I'm not shocked that she doesn't remember me, our friendship was never anything exciting and neither was her bullying me as a kid. I watch as she walks into the party, already running into her friends. 

"She's nice" I lie to Lola. The last thing I want is to argue with my fake girlfriend about one of her close friends. 

"Karl!" I hear Harmony screech. I turn to greet them but i'm instead met with Harmony launching herself onto me, giving me a hug. "I'm so happy you're doing this, and so proud".

Proud? Harmony is proud of me?

"She's already been drinking" Sapnap says as he pulls her off me. I look at him and feel as if my breath was suddenly stolen from me. "But she's right, we're both very proud of you" he gives me a sweet smile.

"Th-thank you" I stutter as I struggle to regain my breath. "Lola done most of it".

"No one needs to know that though" Sapnap says as Harmony and Lola begin to scream at each other about how excited they both are for tonight. "I'm not drinking, I hope that's okay".

"Of course" I nod. "I don't think i'll be having much".

Sapnap just smiles at me before they both walk away to join the rest of the party. Lola and I stand near the door for another twenty minutes before we also join the party. As I look around I realise I don't really know anyone here, everyone is here for Lola and i'm okay with that. I know Sapnap is here for me, that's all I care about. He is all I care about.

Lola left me to go spend time with her friends so now i'm doing the one thing I always do at parties. I'm sitting on the couch watching everyone else have a good time. I decided to only have two drinks tonight, the last thing I want is to drink too much and tell someone else my biggest secrets again. I can see Aaron with the girl, they're standing in the corner with their hands all over each other as they make out. I know Lola is outside, it comforts me knowing she isn't seeing him like this with her. I haven't seen Sapnap or Harmony since they got here but I heard someone say Harmony was playing beer pong so I can only assume they're also outside with Lola. 

I stand up from the couch and make my way outside to see if i'm right. And I am. I instantly spot Sapnap, he's standing by the pool house scrolling on his phone. As I approach him he looks up at me and his face lights up. Just like mine does when I see him. 

"Karl" he grins. "Are you going to play?" he points to the group playing beer pong in the pool house.

"Nope, you know i'm not good at it" he laughs at me. "Why aren't you in there?"

"Just not really feeling it" he shrugs while he stares into his now empty cup. 

"Want to go upstairs for a bit?" he starts nodding before I even finish the question.

We shuffle our way through the crowds of people until we make it to the stairs. Sapnap walks into Lolas room first to make sure no one is in there and then I follow. I sit on the fluffy rug and he follows, sitting down across from me. Lola said I  could come up here if I needed to, so i'm sure she won't mind Sapnap joining me. We both stay quiet, just hearing the muffled music coming from downstairs. 

"Lola has a massive room" Sapnap says as he looks around. His eyes linger a bit on her dresser, I look over to see a framed photo of her and Aaron from a few years ago. "Did you see the girl he came with tonight?"

"Yea" I look back at him. "I have no idea who she is".

"She's one of Katies friends. Harmony told me all about it" he shrugged. "I hear about all the drama now, it's weird knowing so much about people and the don't know that I know about it".

"Lola tells me about it too but i'm tuned out most of the time. I think she just wants to talk" he laughs. I lay down on the carpet and stare up at the ceiling. After what feels like forever but was only a minute, Sapnap joins me. But he moves himself so he's laying down next to me. "I don't think i'll ever host a party again".

"That's fair" he sighs. "I'm getting bored of parties, I miss playing Minecraft every night".

"I do too" I mumble. We both don't talk for a while, we just sit in silence enjoying the company of each other while everyone else is still downstairs. 

"Karl" he says softly, making me turn to face him. "Do you ever feel different?" he asks, without looking at me.

"Different in what way?" he turns to me, looking me in the eyes.

We stare at each other, I take the time to admire the different specs of colours in his eyes. How could one person be so beautiful? I will never understand. There are so many tiny details about Sapnap that just make him perfect. I could stare into his eyes for days and still learn so many new things about him, i'd never get bored of it. I could never be bored of Sapnap.

"Different like, you're not meant to be the person you are" he pauses. "Like i'm living my life wrong".

"I feel like that all the time" I notice i've ran out of breath again. My body becomes warm as I realise how close we are laying next to each other, I can feel his pinky laying next to mine. All I have to do is reach over and we'd be holding each other. 

"I feel that way too" he says softly, also sounding out of breath. My eyes flicker down to his lips but quickly back to his eyes. I can feel the butterflies fluttering around my stomach, goosebumps have risen across my skin, and my heart is racing in my chest. 

But then everything stops as I see his eyes flicker too. They lingered on my lips for a few seconds before he looked back into my eyes. We stare at each other, both of us not knowing what to do or how to feel. His pinky connects with mine, we loop them together and it sends electric sparks throughout my arm. 

"Nick! Where are youuuuu?" 



wouldnt it really suck if i just disappeared after this ?? 

i wont

but how funny would it be 


i hope youre all doing well!!!!!! give me updates pls 

like usual i hope youre all enjoying sweater weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!

see you all VERY soon <3

(if u have seen barbie pls comment here cause i NEED to talk about it) 

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