44: my tears ricochet

457 13 61

Karl Jacobs


Percy is the only one at school today. Lola has a stomach bug and I haven't heard much from Henry. I would usually be fine with spending all of my school time with Percy, but right now I just can't. I have so many questions I want to ask, I need some answers. I know he's hiding something from me, and i'm starting to get the vibe that it's something big. Something I won't like. All I want is to know, but I can't question it. He can't know that I know.

I stare down the hall, debating if I should go up to Percy or not. He's standing by his locker, a smile on his face as he texts someone. I assume it's Lola, there's even some blush spreading across his cheeks as he types. All of that would disappear if I walked over to him now. So I turn on my heel and decide to walk back to my own locker. I look at my peers as I walk, observing their actions and friendships. I haven't seen school like this in a very long time. 

I used to pay attention to every detail throughout these hallways. I would always notice when a girl had changed her hair, when a guy has a new crush on someone, people making new friends. I would get away with it, no one knew who I was before. No one paid attention to me. But now there is always someone looking over at me, there's always something being said about my behind my back. I'm not okay with it, but I have to act like I am. I never want to give into any of them, I never want anyone to get a reaction from me. I just want to be who I used to be. 

"Ah!" I yelp as i'm suddenly pulled away by someone. I shut my eyes in fear, not knowing what's happening. I hear a door slam shut and I finally open my eyes up to see i'm in a cleaning supplies closet. I turn to see Sapnap standing behind me, concern written across his face as he looks over me to make sure i'm not hurt. "What th-".

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" he waves his hands around as he apologises. "I just- I need to talk to you, Karl".

"So you drag me here?" I look around, stunned. "You can't be normal and just text me?"

"Ha-" he pauses, staring at me like he's embarrassed. "Harmony looks at my phone, she can't know i'm seeing you right now".

"Wow" I scoff, anger flowing throughout my body, reaching new places it's never been before. "Why?"

"You're seriously asking why?" he rolls his eyes, and I realise that he isn't happy to be here with me either. He's just as angry as I am. 

"Yea, I am" I huff. "I can't read your mind".

"What's happening to you Karl?" he frowns. "You're so- different!".

"I'm different?" I ask in disbelief. "I can't even recognise you!".

"No, i'm sick of it being about me. This is about you, you Karl!" he points at me. "You're hanging out with Percy again?" He spits out Percys name, like it's laced with poison. "And some other guy that literally no one knows!"

"His name is Henry" I stop myself from shouting. "And so what if i'm hanging out with them? You're not around!"

"Really?" he shakes his head. "Percy, Karl! We've known for a long time that he isn't good for anyone!"

"Oh please" I roll my eyes. "You're basically married to Harmony, like she's good for anyone".

"Harmony isn't the problem" he looks into my eyes. "Right now, Karl, you're the problem! You dated Lola to piss me off, you done a couples dress up with that Henry guy and now you're friends with Percy again! Are you just trying to make me jealous?"

"You're joking, right?" I can't believe he's accusing me of this. "You really believe I would do that?"

"That's my point, Karl!" he waves his hands around more. "You're like a new person! You're always hanging out with new people, you're dating new people!"

"So what? None of my friendships are about you, they're all about me and them. Not everything revolves around you" I see his eyes go dark.

"I don't think Percy is in this friendship for you" he spits. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" I frown. What could he possibly know that I don't?

"He still hasn't told you?" he laughs, shaking his head. "Karl, Percy is the one that started everything at that party!"

"No" I shake my head, not believing him.

"He did!" he persists. "I watched it all! He told everyone about how you and Lola were fake dating! He was making out with Lola right in front of Aaron, Karl! He's the same evil Percy that he's always been".

"You're lying" i'm still shaking my head. Not believing a word he's saying. 

"Serious?" he questions. "Karl, he's selfish. You know this! And now everyone knows that he's with Lola, you know what he's like. He ruined your relationship with her just so he could be with her. I'm surprised he's even still fr-"

"Nick!" I shouted his name, not caring if anyone else could hear us from the halls. "Please, just stop".

We both go silent. All I can hear is the sound of him breathing. A million thoughts fly through my brain, I don't know what i'm supposed to say. I don't know if I should say anything. I want to walk out, I want to be back at home in my own bed. But I can't move, my feet are glued to the ground and all I can do is look at him. He still cares, this proves that. For some reason that's enough for me to remember how much I love him. I can't move now, I want to stay in this moment forever. I want to stay in this closet with him, even if we are just here to argue. At least i'm here with him.

"Karl, you don't have to believe me" he speaks softly. "I just- There are things that you don't know and I don't want you getting hurt".

"You think they'll hurt me any worse then you already have?" I watch as his face crumbles. He turns away from me, but my eyes never leave him. 

"Okay" he clears his throat before looking back to me. 

"Nick, I need you to understand that i'm trying to move on" I swallow the lump in my throat as I watch him wince at the sound of me saying his name. "I don't want to wait around any longer. I still love you, you know I will never stop loving you. But i'm not going to spend the rest of my time here at school alone just because you can't see how much you still love me".


"Please don't say anything else. I don't want to hear anything you have to say to me".

Without any other words I leave the closet. I don't look back to see if he followed me out, I don't even listen out for the door opening and closing again. Tears pour out of my eyes as I walk away from him, again.


pls forgive me

trust me it only goes up from here...... 

more will be out soon 

i love you all <3

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