12. Dolent

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"Mom! Look at me! I'm the one who hurting!" slightly shaking her to get the sense out. Your voiced yourself out although you almost breaking.

"why you never believe me?! When will you see me as a daughter?! M-mom..." your voice break at the end as you called her out desperately.

"oh is it? Then from now on, you're not my daughter "















Words stuck in your throat as you could feel your world shattered apart, with crumbled heart you tried to reach her hands that folded close to her chest, showing the arrogance towards her own flesh and blood. Lips quivered, sealing the thousands of unspoken words that still remained inside the knot that still stuck in your throat. You bent down and trembly wrapped your arms over her legs, destroying your own pride as you beg her clemency over something that you didn't even do.

But it seemed like she already got a frozen heart, she kicked you off from her legs and gave you the coldest stare.


It was the only thing she said to you.

The hollow in your heat getting bigger, even the pain on your cheek couldn't compete the pain that stabbed through your chest. Words are sharper than swords, it's true, you're one of its victims. Bloodless wounds are the most excruciating pain, leaving the eternal scars that can't be healed even if you try to cover them up. Like a curse, it collides with your soul, eating up the will of living that finally leads them to their last string of life, leaving them with only agony and suffering till your last breath.

Bead of tears deputized as the blood of your crushed heart of a broken inner child, they dripped out as the sign of defeat upon the person that embedded a title of mother. Her eyes throwing a gaze of disgust, degrading you completely like peeling off your dignity with those stupid accusation that being spiced up by the devil.

Words of plea came out like a whisper as you tried to bear the thorns that grew in your chest, with shaking voice you clutched once again on the hem of your mother's dress, with the tiniest hope that still left inside you, as it being your companion in your most prone state.

" Like I said, leave "

You stared at her blankly after those words destroyed the crumbled heart of yours, she even dragging you all along the way to the entrance before you could even gain yourself. Your skin even chipped by the harsh friction on the wooden floor that also scraping the last hope that you kept in the hidden pit of yours, but soon it vanished when she threw you out like a worthless crap by her own hands.

You sprawled there with your shattered pieces with the degrader that stood cockily on her feet, there was no empathy that left inside her, but only her selfishness that convinces her that you are nothing more than just a plunderer of her happiness.

The slam of the door flinched you hardly with as your shaking eyes still glued on the closed entrance upon you. Gap of silence mocked your solitude of being neglected by your own mother, like a fool you crouched down in defeat with silent sobs that defiled the tranquil air as you slowly loosing yourself in the abyss, feeling yourself that gradually down for the count.

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