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"Very well," Zeth said, walking around the table, handing out papers to each member of Monster Mash, including Kevin and Jade. "Now that I know Jade is willing to be our girlfriend, I'll give you the contract to sign and the non-disclosure agreement."

As soon as Jade had the contract in her hands, she immediately read only part of the first page.



To allow all band members to have romantic or intimate relationships with each other as long as it is consensual on all parts.

To establish emotional and physical safety for a romantic and sex-positive poly relationship(s) within Monster Mash.

To increase connection and harmony while reducing misunderstandings, unnecessary jealousy, or suffering.

To support each other in the highest expression of polyamory and sacred sexuality.

This contract is a way to avoid fights between members of the group and to agree to all be in a relationship with each other (Only with members who have consented), members who are included over time (Through a group agreement) and Jade...

"Zeth!" Jade raised her hand, and all the boys turned to look at her. "It says here that my last name is Henry's."

"And isn't it?" Zeth raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, yes, it is for legal purposes, but I'm Henry's stepdaughter," she replied. "But when I sign, I always write my paternal, maternal, and Henry's surnames."

"If that's your last name for legal purposes, then there's no problem," Zeth said, continuing to hand out documents.

Jade nodded, her hands shaking and sweaty, as she read a random part of the next page.


All partners are involved in an exclusive relationship(s) among Monster Mash only and do not date outside the group.

All partners are equals and enter into these polyamorous relationship rules with full awareness and informed consent.

These relationship rules are not all-encompassing, and there may make verbal agreements in addition to these bottom lines.

Sex between one or more members of this agreement is permitted as long as the others are notified and have consented.

Due to unforeseen circumstances such as forgetting, misunderstanding, rebellion, or promiscuity, if an agreement is broken, the other members will agree to have a clearing conversation as soon as possible. The member who broke the agreements will be immediately removed from Monster Mash and the relationship.

If a member wants to add another member, they should first consult with the others. If everyone agrees, the new member must sign their contract willingly.

Same-sex loving relationships and consensual sex are allowed.

Sex with multiple authorized members (Group sex) are allowed, as long as they have all previously agreed upon and discussed the terms and limits.

MY SIX BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now