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"I assumed my son would act like a total crybaby, and knowing that Zeth is a control freak, I will decide who will sing what." Cadence said finally, breaking the silence. She smiled politely and turned to look at her son.

“I want to...” Anton spoke, but Cadence raised a hand.

"Anton, be a good son and let mommy talk," Cadence patted him on the shoulder. "I admit it was a good move to choose 'Call Me Your Monster' if you know what I mean," Cadence stared at Monster Mash with half-shut eyes.

"We don't know what you mean, ma'am," Alex replied, crossing his arms and cocking his head.

"An enthusiastic song but difficult to sing for amateurs," Cadence giggled sarcastically. "I suppose you want to test my son and his companions."

"You guess right," Zeth said, immovable and imperturbable as always. "We must make the audience dance and enjoy, but also show off on stage. I don't think it's a problem for your boy. I must admit the young man here is talented, his voice reminds me of Simon Curtis."

"How about I sing your part, Methuselah?" Anton dared with a raised eyebrow.

"Do not underestimate Zeth’s parts," Draco immediately had flashbacks to that night when he sang Zeth's verse, "Learn from my mistake."

Anton must have been very brave or very stupid.

“Zeth is the kind of guy who can sing John Cooper or legendary Chester Bennington and come out of it smelling like roses, son. Your type of voice isn't good for that. I think you should let me choose who sings what," Cadence said with her hand up. "After all, I do have a good ear."

"Whatever you want," Anton pouted like a little boy. "But I want to prove that I have the voice of an angel."

"And you have limits too, you and your friends," Cadence looked over her shoulder at Sixth Octave. "Unfortunately, Zeth, Draco, and Everett are off-limits for everyone here. Anton, you will sing Frank's parts. We will agree on the rest during the rehearsal when your father has the track ready."

"I can sing Draco's parts," Mort said. "Or at least some of them."

"We won't risk a bad impression," Cadence said, looking down at Mort. "We'll do as I say, you understand?"

"I do, ma'am," Mort nodded. But from the disgusted face he made, Alex knew he was someone with a temper as explosive as his own.

"My sister says she already has outfits you requested. She sent photos." Everett told Zeth, looking at his phone. "After finishing rehearsal, we have to rush for makeover."

"Let me see the outfits," Zeth said, and Everett handed him his phone. Zeth nodded, scrolling through pic after pic until he frowned, "Everett. Why does your suit have a tie if I specifically told you bow tie?"

"I don't like bow ties so I asked for adjustments last minute," said Everett, "Tie is more manly, bow tie makes me look like clown."

"You are all clowns, a bunch of clowns who know how to sell smoke to the masses," said Mort, looking directly at Frank. "It doesn't change the fact that they have no talent."

"You've changed, Mort," Frank shook his head with a disappointed face.

"You always ruined our harmonies, Frank," Mort replied. "I hold a grudge because it's your fault we lost."

"I don't want to interrupt your nonsense, Mort," Alex said. "But we don't know the lyrics to your song... Aside from Zeth."

"Here, I have it," Cadence took some sheets from her purse and handed one to each member of Monster Mash. "Be professional and memorize everything well."

"I expect the same from you," Draco said, looking at their rivals.

"Your stupid song has been everywhere since the first day of October," Anton said in a mocking tone, "We already know it."

"This lyric is the SIMPS anthem!" Alex said, slapping the paper, "Who the hell wrote this crap?! No voy a cantar tremenda mamada! Voy a parecer arrastrado!"

"I wrote it," Cadence said with her arms crossed, raising a thin, perfectly groomed brow, "It's a cute romantic song. Y para que lo sepas, yo hablo español."

All the Monster Mash boys turned to see Alex in a rage, but he didn't even take his eyes off the paper.

"My friend didn't mean to insult your obvious talent, Mrs. O'Pry," Frank said, discreetly coming to a stop in front of Alex who continued to read the lyrics, grunting a little with each verse his eyes passed.

"Well, I hope you behave like professionals," Cadence turned to see Zeth and Draco, "Act your age, boys. I'll let you work. I hope you have fun. I will be back soon to tell you who will sing what during the show, in the meantime, rehearse the choreography."

"And please change your clothes before we start.” Anton said, pinching his nose, “I don’t want to be smelling your stinky shaved armpits while we dance! Put on something with sleeves, y’all!"

"The only thing that stinks here is your attitude, Anton.” Cadence said, turning to face Monster Mash then, "Pay no attention to that. Just wear formal wear for the show, if neither of you wants to wear sleeves to rehearse, I won't judge you."

“But mum! Look at them! Everett is wearing a tank top so baggy I can almost see his belly button! Just like Alycandro! I mean, Zeth, Draco, we know you guys have toned arms but there’s no one here to impress, same for you fish-boy-whose-name-I-don't-remember. And you too, Frank! Nobody is interested in seeing that you polished your metal arm! Nobody cares if all of you spend hours at the gym! Nobody cares about your muscles!”

"Sounds like someone is envious," Paul whispered and both Clyde and Jeyk snickered.

"Mr. Gheits, I ask for your respect," Cadence said.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. O'Pry."

"I don't want any silly drama. Behave!" Cadence ordered, "Let's be professional. Zeth, I trust you to keep your boys in line. You are their boss, act like it. Put your subordinates in their place if..."

"Sorry to correct you, Cadence," Zeth cleared his throat, "But I'm no one's boss. I'm the leader of the band, but they're not my subordinates," then he turned to look at his friends and nodded, "They are my family."

MY SIX BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now