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Soon enough, the five boys were outside the tour bus.

Draco opened the door and went in first.

The space was small, and with how bulky they all were, it was a bit difficult to fit. Draco wondered how the hell they managed, during the tours, to spend so much time cooped in here. Although it was true that the smell of sweat and the heat of their bodies sometimes made things difficult, it also brought a sense of nostalgia.

Zeth would often light incense to mask the smell of six sweaty men.

But now Draco had to deal with more than just the smell of sweat.

How the hell could Zeth deal with all this alone?!

"Jade," Draco said. She was sitting on the floor, near an unconscious Zeth, "We need your help."

"What is it?" Jade stood up slowly, clutching the sleeves of her jacket.

“We need you to be our model," Draco replied.

"Why do you want me to be in a music video? Why are you still insisting?" She grumbled.

“Because that will make Melody angry," Everett said, "You will revenge on crazy girl for yelling at you horrible things last night."

Draco and Alex looked at each other and then at Everett, both squinting their eyes.

“We never told you anything about last night," Alex said.

"I followed her too," Everett replied expressionlessly, "I like to observe tiny, fragile creatures... From afar."

“Ignore Everett, that's not why we need you, Jade,” Alex said, turning to face her, "You were the first normal girl to interview us, and we want to send a message: That we stand for all the Freaks in the world, unlike those pendejos."

"We need you to be the main attraction," Draco explained with jazz hands and his typical sweet, somewhat daring, fanged smile, "And we need as many people from the school as possible."

"We'll throw a bachelorette party, baby!" Alex cheered, "And you have to be the bride."

"I am not quite sure about this, guys," Frank said, twisting his mouth, "It's a last minute change and I don't like not having a plan. Besides, we still need to take Jade shopping and shoot her scenes at the salon."

"Alex and I will organize the event," Draco said, and his Latino friend nodded, “Alex knows the owner of the place, I guess he can convince him."

"Glitter Joe is a good guy," Alex snapped his fingers and winked at his friends, "And I'm a king of persuasion."

"Everett will take you for a headdress, Jade," Frank said. "He's got the best hair, and he sure knows what to do with your style."

"Wait! I don't want to do anything to my hair!" Jade gasped and ran towards the door, but Everett reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"Your hair looks horrible, like baby yeti,” Everett smiled sweetly, "We Yeti are born with brown hair that looks like scouring pad."

"Is my hair that ugly?” She gasped and blinked rapidly, “No, wait! No way, I'm not going to change it!" Jade yelled and tried to pull her arm away from him.

"Frank and Finn, you're in charge of rounding up as many people as you can, particularly women, cheerleaders, the university has a huge team," Draco said, and both boys nodded. "And we have to take Jade shopping," Draco scratched his head. "It'll be hard because we don't know anything about fashion, but…"

"Leave it to me," Zeth was sitting on the edge of Frank's bunk, looking weak and tired, but still trying to act tough. With a grunt, Zeth walked somewhat dizzily towards the group.

MY SIX BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now