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Outside the Darktide Hotel, Zeth, Alycandro, and Draco were smoking cigarettes next to a tube-shaped ashtray, talking about the video clip for their next single: Monster Match.

"And you want to film it at school?" asked Alycandro, putting out his cigarette.

"The Hollow Woods campus looks like something out of a teen movie, so yeah,” Zeth replied, “I already asked Egor to talk to the principal. I think a classic concept is what we need. Remember when we shot 'Jungle Spirit' in Hawaii?”

“It was just us having a good time!" Draco started to bounce in place, and Alycandro stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder.

"And it was our video with the most views and likes," Zeth took another drag on his cigarette, "Nothing that a full video of me... I mean us, shirtless for three minutes straight couldn't accomplish!"

"That was my favourite video!" Draco said, stubbing out his cigarette, "Everett and I were at the pool bar making margaritas! But I swear I didn't drink! And I didn't sleep with anyone! I swear!"

"I know, I asked Evie to follow you everywhere from afar and she told me that you behaved. En fin! I liked shooting that video too!" Alycandro nodded as Zeth lit his second cigarette with a gold lighter, "I never found out where you got the panther and toucan, though, Zeth!"

"I have contacts," Zeth ran a hand through his hair, "We all had a great time that day."

"Except Frank! He burned his eyebrows!" Draco was laughing madly, even doubling down, "We told you jumping a rope on fire was a bad idea! You should have given Finn that instead of a boring beach scene!"

"Not everyone has the grace that I have to jump a flaming rope... But back to the new video," Zeth continued, dismissing with one hand, "I want it classic! Frank in the robotics lab, you in the library," Zeth pointed at Draco and then at Alycandro, "You in the basketball courts, Finn by the pool, Everett in the cafeteria, and me!" he raised his head like a diva, "I'll be with the cheerleaders!"

"Hey, but…" a sound among the branches of a tree made Alycandro turn quickly, but he gasped when he saw Draco hopping in place. "Hey! Animaniac! Behave! You promised not to do anything stupid!" Alycandro yelled, and Draco nodded, but a light, sweet meow made both boys' ears perk.

Oh. No.

"A cat!" Draco exclaimed, pointing a finger at a tree at the bottom of the steps.

"Here we go again," Zeth sighed heavily and rolled his eyes.

"Oh, poor little thing! I'm going to help you, kitty!" Draco exclaimed, running towards the tree, grabbing onto the branches he reached for, and climbing surprisingly nimble in his gothic boots.

"Draco! Get down here! You're going to fall!" Alycandro yelled, running after his friend. "Draco! Draco, that branch is going to break!"

Zeth took a drag on his cigarette while watching.

It was almost comical to see these two; he couldn't deny it.

It was like watching cartoons.

Draco climbed higher and higher, and Alycandro was at the foot of the tree, perhaps analysing the branches to see if they would stand his weight.

"Zeth! Help me out!" Alycandro yelled, and Zeth's shoulders dropped.

"Alex, I'm not going to climb that tree. Do you know how expensive the jacket I'm wearing is?"

"You were a cheerleader for God's sake!" Alycandro grumbled and gasped when a branch snapped above him. "Fuck, Zeth! Get on my shoulders and help me!"

"Just so you know, I was a cheerleading captain," Zeth corrected and walked like a runway model towards the tree. "Okay, let's do this, first, I need you to…" But then there was a piercing meow, and Draco began screaming.

"Help! Help! The cute kitty is... Attacking me!"

There was a crack, a branch breaking.

Draco fell butt first to the ground in a second, and between his strong arms, which were covered in scratches like his face, was a tabby cat.

"See! I told you so! I told you that you were going to fall, pendejo!"

"It was a worth it, wasn't it?" Draco replied, rolling on the floor, rubbing his back, and letting go of the cat, who immediately ran to Alycandro's feet to rub itself against his purple leopard print sweatpants.

"Are you okay, bro?" Alycandro sounded genuinely dismayed.

"God, my sciatica!" Draco was still rolling like a log.

"At least the cat is safe," Zeth crouched down, "Come here, kitty, kitty." The cat hissed at him, but once Alycandro bent to pick the animal up, it became meek and even purred.

"Animals are my thing," Alycandro said, petting the cat as Draco sat up, rubbing his head.

"And cats are my thing, but this one doesn't seem tame," Zeth replied.

"You just don't understand animals," Alycandro coddled the kitten in his arms, which purred louder and louder, "Hey! There's a Seven Eleven a block away. Maybe we should buy a bag of food."

"That cat has a collar," Zeth commented, "It is someone's cat apparently."

"It says here that his name is Mozart," Alycandro inspected the feline's badge, and then stroked its ears, "Wow, that's cute!"

"That beast left my face like a crossword puzzle!" Draco yelled and stood up, but the wounds on his face were fading with each passing second, "Don't you see that I live off my audience?"

"You sound like Zeth now." Alex giggled.

"Give me the cat," Zeth spread his arms, "Go buy something for him."

"Treat him well," Alycandro said and handed the cat to Zeth.

"You do know that I adore cats, right?"

"I was talking to the cat, Zeth," Alycandro chuckled a little. "Can I leave you in charge of Draco while I run to the store?"

"Don't you remember what happened the last time you tasked me with the Animaniac?" Zeth asked as he cooed to the feline. "I don't want to call the fire department again!"

"Good point... Come on, Draco! Let's not keep your majesty waiting!"

"Exactly! My time is precious!" Zeth said. But Alycandro, who was already several steps ahead of Draco on his way to the store, shouted back.

"I was talking to the cat!"

MY SIX BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now