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Once Tom was gone, both bands took a few deep breaths.

Anton and his bandmates had been under pressure for months, and this would be another stone in the shoe that they had to face. They needed to find their place in the music industry. But this sudden decision had taken them by surprise. No, it wasn't a surprise. That was exactly what they were used to. This was a new world, and it was entirely unexpected.

Anton was very strict with his partners, and he was pretty sure none of them, not even Mort, liked him, but this business wasn't about friendships, it was about survival. Their livelihood, their lives, depended on this success. And they would be damned if they failed.

Up here on stage, Anton showed the Monster Mash guys their positions while his bandmates stood behind without saying a word.

Paul didn't seem very happy with anything Anton said when he explained the type of music that Sixth Octave sang. Alex noticed how the boy grunted every time the song they would sing was mentioned, but Paul seemed excited every time Zeth mentioned 'Call Me Your Monster,' and it was almost like the sparkle returned to his purple eyes.

"The cheerleaders will dance back here and do helicopters right before the chorus of your song," Anton said, pointing to four spots on the stage. "We'll have the cheerleading boys doing back handsprings at the front as well."

“Helicopters are dangerous and prohibited," Zeth said, totally a former cheerleader captain, "It's better to just do pyramids."

“I don't care about your opinion, old man," Anton retorted.

"It sounds like you know the music before we even have the audio," Alex said.

"The track for my song is already ready; we just need to add your track," Anton answered. "My father is a descendant of House O’Pry, a kind of spectre capable of creating music with his hands, like Ariana Grande's gloves, but without the gloves. But you already knew that, didn't you?"

"Araña Grande is just as talented," Everett said. "But she's not famous among humans because she has six arms."

Mort seemed to want to say something; Frank could see it in the way the boy's lips were pursed. But he seemed afraid to express his opinion in front of Anton.

"We'll start the show with Sixth Octave on stage, and I'll whistle for you guys to come up from behind," Anton said.

"Do you think we are dogs?" Alex growled.

"You are," Clyde said with a maniacal laugh. Jeyk nudged his twin, and Finn guessed that maybe this pair didn't get along very well because Clyde nudged back and didn't seem friendly. Everett noticed this too, and though he wanted to intervene, as he took a step towards the twins, Finn stopped him with a hand on his chest.

"When 'Slow Ballad' starts, you guys go to the back, and you won't sing anything. It's our song and ours alone, got it?" Anton said, pointing to the back of the stage. "You'll make shocked faces when you see us dance and clap for us... On your knees."

"Your father said we'll sing each other's parts, so Draco will sing Paul's part, and Finn will sing Mort's part," Zeth said, crossing his arms.

“Have you heard the song yet, boss?" Alex asked.

"I've watched the video several times on our way here, I already know the lyrics," Zeth replied.

"Oh no! I will choose who will sing what," Anton clapped once and rubbed his hands together.

"And I say we will all choose together," Zeth raised his voice again, "This isn't about you, Anton. It's teamwork, much to my chagrin."

"I think Mr. Rahman is right," Paul said, "Anton, I think you should be more like him."

"I have a better idea," a female voice approached to the beat of stiletto heels. Everyone turned to see the woman with perfectly coiffed red hair and a tailored suit. "Nice to see you again, Zeth and Draco."

"Cadence," Zeth nodded, "You look elegant."

"And you and Draco look exactly the same as years ago," Cadence replied with a graceful smile.

"We really do," Draco said. "How have you been?"

"Great, actually," Cadence replied, looking around at everyone. "Just great."

There was an intense silence.

Nobody knew what to say next, nobody knew where to look.

MY SIX BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now