(18) The Harsh Reality

Start from the beginning

"I guess you'll have to find out." She replies.


Jimin didn't think he'd ever get used to the look in his fathers eyes everytime he got angry. The man's dark blue eyes seemed to turn black, shining with a hint of amusement as if he was excited that he'd have a reason to punish Jimin that day.

He never hit Lisa, but Jimin knew that was for the best. Even if his father tried, the boy knew he would do anything to make sure he got the brunt of it.

Most times weren't bad, just a couple hits here and there because his father didn't want any bruises to show. But today the man was angry, and when he was angry he didn't care about anything else besides disciplining the boy.

Days like today were when Jimin was so scared he thought he might die..

"I heard you missed Bible study today." His father says. Not a question, but a statement. He didn't actually want his sons input on the matter.


"Shut up." The man immediately cuts him off, sitting in his chair as if he couldn't be more comfortable watching his son fidget in fear.

His shirt was tucked in, and hair gelled to perfection. Jimin always thought that if his father ever smiled he might even be considered handsome..

He never did though.

"I will ask you this once Jimin. What we're you choosing to do that made you miss one of your mandatory duties for today?" His father raises a brow, eyes burning into his so he can read if Jimin's lying.

He always knew, and that fact alone is why Lisa jumps in to save him.

"Father, Lena Min was bothering him. She tried to.. touch Jimin. " Lisa tries to say, cutting herself off when the man gives her a stern look.

"If you speak for him I will beat him twice as hard. Understand?" The man asks, and Lisa sadly nods her head at the words.

"Is this true?" The man asks, turning his attention back to Jimin while the boy hesitantly nods his head.

Wrong move.

From one moment to the next Jimin's fathers in front of him, grabbing the boys blonde hair in a fist to their eye level. All the boy can see is rage. Rage, and disbelief as if he could believe his sons actions.

"So the women that is our first pick for your pathetic marriage actually takes an interest in you, even chooses to touch you. And your telling me that your too much of a fucking fag to let her?" The man spits in his face, and Jimin tries to shake his head as tears fill his eyes.

"I-It's not that f-father. I swear-

"Don't lie to me you brat. Seventeen years and you have yet to bring a female home, even speak of one. Fucking pathetic." He scolds, letting the boy go so he can fall on the floor.

"Hopefully it's something I can just beat out if you and be done with it. This distaste towards women." His father says calmly, rolling up his cuff while Jimin only sobs.

Lisa starts to cry too. "Father please-"

"What did I tell you?" He cuts Lisa off the moment she tries to speak, the girl wiping her tears as she takes in her brother on the floor.

She had only seen Jimin get beat once in her life, the first time being when he'd gotten caught hugging Taehyung.

Jimin and Taehyung were purely platonic, but Jimin's parents didn't care. To her father, a man shouldn't hug another man, and the fact that Jimin didn't show interest in girls didn't help his fathers anger..

After that beating Jimin no longer hugged Taehyung in front of people..

"Wipe your tears and take it like a man." His father orders, gesturing for Jimin to stand up while the boy only hiccups in fear. Non the less the blonde stands up with shaky legs, using his short fingers to wipe his tears and look toward the ground in sadness.

He knew if he didn't obey the beating would only be worse.

Lisa gasps when the first punch comes, knocking her brother to the side with a small cry as he hugs his cheek. It only takes a few more for Jimin to fall on the ground, his small body jolting with sobs as the man takes the opportunity to kick him repeatedly.

"O-Ow, please father. It h-hurts!" The blonde cries, and after a few minutes the man lands one last blow to his stomach before crouching down.

"You will marry that girl Jimin, and if you ever, and I mean ever, show unnatural preferences.. I want you to remember how this felt, and know that this is nothing compared to what those camps will do to you." His father spits lastly, glaring at the boy one more time before getting up and walking out of the room.

Tears spill down Lisas face as she runs to her brothers, falling to her knees to cradle his bruised face while he only sobs.

"L-Lisa." Is all he says, crying out the name as if it was the only thing he could say. After all, what could he say? Jimin was completely, and utterly trapped.

This would be his life.

"I know Minnie, I know.." She comforts, stroking his hair from his face as she cradles him in her lap. She wishes she could do something, anything, but all Lisa could do was wait until it was over. Until..

"We'll get out of here Minnie, I promise." She comforts, stroking him while he only looks up with big, watery eyes.

Non the less he doesn't ask questions, only nodding his head while she slowly helps him get up.

"Let's get you cleaned up, alright?" She asks softly, and Jimin nods once more, giving a small smile as she takes his hand and walks him to the bathroom.

Just like always, Jimin would be okay.

Lisa would make sure of it..


Jikook scene next chapter🙃

I have a few updates lined up, so don't worry, this story will keep going;)

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