(12) Insecurities

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I saw it in your eyes that you weren't one of them. And I saw it in your heart that you weren't one of us. Maybe that's what made me so drawn to you. The fact that you were so much better..

Than all of this.

~Author's POV~

"Strawberries better." Jimin giggles as he licks his pink ice cream cone, adjusting himself against the tree as he watches Jungkook bite his chocolate ice cream.

"Oh really?" Jungkook muses, raising an eyebrow when Jimin confidently nods his head. The raven had expected no different than for the blonde to prefer something pink, but he still found it amusing because he hadn't seen Jimin even try anything else.

The man didn't fail to notice how Jimin always tried to include some form of pink in his clothing, but he wasn't complaining considering how adorable it made the small boy.

Everything just seemed to make Jimin attractive..

"Really. You always get different flavors and yet never get the best one!" Jimin pouts, making Jungkook roll his eyes and take the cone from the boy. Jimin immediately tries to take it, but Jungkook takes a bite out of the pink ball before the blonde can steal it back.

How dare he.

Jimin is basically on top of Jungkook by the time he gets the ice cream in his hand, but can't even be bothered by the proximity because of his ice cream currently on Jungkooks lips.

"You stole my ice cream." Jimin huffs, one hand on Jungkooks chest as he pouts in mostly fake anger. Jungkook smirks when he swallows the bite, licking his lips as if to mock the boy in front of him.

"I bought that icecream sweetheart, and your right." He says, placing a hand on Jimin's hip as he leans closer to the blondes face.

"It was delicious." He purrs, once again leaning his head against the tree when he sees Jimin's pout drop and be replaced by a familiar blush.

Jungkook is so tempted to smirk when Jimin chooses not to get off his lap, but shock completely replaces his smugness when he sees Jimin slowly raise a sweater paw and wipe his pierced lip, pink still on the boys cheeks as he looks towards Jungkook's lap in embarrassment.

"Y-You had some on your lip." The boy whispers, his eyes going slightly wide when Jungkook suddenly lifts his chin and puts a spoon in front of it.

"Open your mouth." The raven says deeply, noticing the way the blonde responds almost immediately by parting his pink lips.

God, how Jungkook wished he could've said that in different content.

He didn't know why, but it made Jimin blush the way Jungkook said the words, and it gave him butterflies when he realized his mouth was on the same spoon Jungkook's had been on.

Almost as if they were..

"Strawberry still better?" Jungkook's voice breaks him out of his wondering thoughts. He hated to admit it, but Jungkook's ice cream was really good..

"Yep." He chirps, lying just to deny Jungkook the satisfaction.

"Liar." Jungkook smirks, content in his action when Jimin only gives him a playful smile in response.

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