(7) I Like Boys

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My heart was yours before I met you, my heart is yours now, and my heart will be yours when you finally leave me. It will forever be yours because it was made for only you.

~Author's POV~

Jimin never understood why people didn't worship god.

He didn't hate people who chose to believe in something else, nor did he try to force his religion on them, but he never quite understood why people like Jungkook chose not to believe in it.

He was always taught that all the good things in life were because of god, and that the reason he had such a good life was because his lord had chosen it for him.

His mother told him that the outsiders struggled so much because they chose not to appreciate who they came from. That god was punishing them because they were selfish.

Jimin didn't quite believe that though.

He never said it out loud, but he believed as long as they were good people god would love them, even if they chose to have doubts about him. Surely most of them had there reasons for not being apart of the church, even if it was hard for Jimin to see.

Dae was a good person, and so were Jungkook and Jennie.

That was all that mattered to Jimin.

He knew his parents would surely kill him if they found out, and he would be lying if he said disappointing them didn't scare him, but he always found himself smiling when he was hanging out with the siblings.

In his mind he felt guilty about misjudging Jungkook, and for worrying that the man would be unkind, but now he couldn't help himself from feeling slightly excited every time he would see the tall raven.

He convinced himself it wasn't a big deal, and that he wouldn't get shy every time he heard the elders name, trying to act neutral every time they would speak. But what he didn't know was Jungkook saw all of it..

The raven saw every time Jimin would blush or stutter, or when he would become extra happy when Jungkook would try to talk to him. Jungkook was always good about reading people, and as much as he denied it.. it excited him to make Jimin like this.

He loved having an effect on him.

He also found himself feeling slightly guilty the more they spoke. It had only been a couple of conversations, but every single one made Jungkook see just how genuine Jimin was.

He was kind, innocent, and pure. Three things Jungkook had dismissed the first time they spoke. Jimin was so sweet that it kept eating at the man how much he was taking advantage of it.

Jimin didn't see that though, he was just happy that it seemed like he was making a new friend. Jungkook was one of the coolest people he had ever seen, with the way he didn't care what people thought, and carried himself without doubts. It all made Jimin admire him so much more..

"Why do you have so many tattoos?" He finds himself asking the raven in front of him, taking a bite of his ice cream when Jungkook chooses to look at him.

He had only barely woken up when Jungkook randomly invited him for ice cream, texting him about how knew this place by his house.

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