(17) Future Marriage

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I love you
But your not mine.

~Author's POV~

"Have you made a decision Jimin?" The boys father asks, looking at the newspaper as Jimin stands in the middle of the kitchen.

The man had called him down before breakfast, bombarding the boy with questions he never wanted to have to answer.

Who he would take as his future wife.

The blonde stays silent, nervously fiddling with the cuffs of his button down as his father only shakes his head with a disappointed scoff. "Of course you didn't." He spits "Because how could I expect my son to do something I ask for once in his life." His raises his voice, slamming the paper on the table and making the boy flinch.

"Father I.. I do not have any interest in the people you have selected." He whispers, and the man scratches his chin in disbelief.

"So I give you a decision, and even that's not enough?" He says, chuckling as he sips his coffee. "I suppose I'll just have to pick someone then. Maybe you can settle with that Lena girl I've mentioned." He offers, a sinister look in his eyes when he sees Jimin's expression.

The boy didn't particularly like Lena..

He didn't have much of a problem with her before, but it was only yesterday that the girl had done something that made Jimin want to stay away from her as long as possible.


Jimin runs away almost immediately when him and Jungkook get back to the docks, ignoring Lisa and Jennie's concerned voices as the trees blur into one. Tears spill down his face as he eventually slows down to a walk, seeing the church and town appear the closer he gets.

He knew he couldn't go back, but he also didn't want to go forward. That kiss had shown him the very thing that could kill him, and in front of him was the town that would condemn him to such a fate.

When had this become his life?

He can't give it much thought when he feels a tap on his shoulder, whirling around to meet brown eyes level with his.

"L-Lena?" He asks, breathless, and yet in familiarity.

He'd known the pretty church girl since childhood, their families being mutual friends and finding eachother good candidates for future marriage.

That was part of the reason Jimin had never gotten very close with her..

"Hey Jimin!" She says cheerfully. He know it's bad to say but somehow her tone always seemed too perky, as if she were faking it.

Suddenly, she frowns.

"Why are you crying?" She asks, tilting her head while Jimin only continues to stare at her with wide blue eyes. After a couple seconds he chooses to collect himself.

"O-Oh nothing, I just got some dirt in my eye when I was running." He lies, wiping his eyes as he forces a sunshine like smile on his face.

Everyone at the church knew him for that smile, and yet he was sure not a single one would be able to tell if he were faking it.

She only smiles at the comment, seeming unbothered when Jimin starts to shift on his feet from the deafening silence. "Was there something you needed Lena?" He says softly, his tone kind as always while he urges her to answer.

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