(5) No Longer Strangers

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''You could break my heart a thousand times and in the end it would still be your heart to break.'

~Author's POV~

Blue eyes meet black as Jimin once again tries to steal a glance at Jungkook, the raven sitting against a tree as he notes that this is the eleventh time Jimin has chosen to look at him in the past hour.

He had been counting.

The blonde averts his eyes back to Jennie and Lisa's conversation, a subtle pink ghosting his cheeks when he realizes he's been caught once more by the elder brother.

It had been this way all evening.

Lisa and Jennie would talk, asking the boys questions once in a while, and the boys would steal glances at eachother. Jimin would do it shyly and Jungkook would do it shamelessly, but both of them would still study each other non-the-less.

Jimin didn't know why he was so fascinated by the man, constantly scolding himself when he would subconsciously analyze his handsome features. Sometimes he would study his tattoos, embarrassment flooding him when he found himself occasionally admiring the define muscle underneath.

He couldn't tell if Jungkook disliked him or not. The man was harder to read than anyone he had ever met, and the only emotion he chose to show was a sly smirk on his face when him and Jimin would make eye contact.

Not that Jimin looked long enough to really read further..

Jennie and Lisa hold smiles on there faces from whatever was just said, the words being something Jimin had unfortunately zoned out on while looking at Jungkook. The blondes eyes solo on Jennie's hand as she places it on Lisas, his eyes blank he continues to stare.

Lisa immediately looks at the Jimin's face and quickly pools her hand away, giving the taller girl a pointed look to communicate something.

Jimin doesn't notice, but Jungkook does.

The ravens eyes eyes dart between the three in front of him, his eyebrows slightly furrowing as he sees Lisa yank her hand away the moment she looks at the blondes face.

'Does Jimin not know?' He asks himself, assuming from his sisters guilty expression that the small boy in fact might not.

What they didn't know was that the blonde actually hadn't cared about the action. Jimin had always loved giving affection, so he hadn't thought anything when they touched hands so lovingly.

He had always done it with Lisa, and was so naive that he thought it was normal to touch people you care about with love, well besides his parents of course.

But what he failed to understand was what type of love that was.

Lisa and Jennie were in love.. and Jimin had no clue.

"Come for a walk with me blondie." Jungkook says to break the silence, seeing from the girls expressions that they want to be left alone.

And Jungkook would be lying if he said he hadn't wanted to talk to Jimin all evening..

"W-what?" Jimin and Lisa both say at the same time, their eyes widening as they see the raven sit up and walk towards Jimin on the grass.

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