"Wait, then, is it true that I killed you here? Don't lie," asked Kayden as he got up.

Kayden couldn't believe her words and just smiled as if to deny what she said. But his hopes crumbled when he saw Margaret shut her mouth tightly.

Kayden's face gradually hardened. "No way. It's impossible. Margaret, I wouldn't do that. I can't do that."

"...that's all in the past anyway. It is impossible to ascertain whether this is true. Now is what matters. You believe me now."

Kayden was so shocked to see that Margaret didn't deny it one bit. Margaret's words that he now believes her did little to comfort him.

This time Ruzef opened his mouth as if completely disinterested in the shocked Kayden.

"In fact, I still can't believe that there is another world outside this one. I understand that the strange things we found here belong to that world... but understanding it with your head and accepting it is different, isn't it?"

At Ruzef's words, Margaret nodded her head in understanding.

"You guys must be really surprised."

Enoch's chest ached at Margaret's bitter expression.

Every time she showed an unusual expression, he was uneasy. It felt like she would leave anytime without any regrets.

"I think we've had enough rest, so let's go now."

There's a long way to go. As she said, they had to hurry off. Putting aside the unnecessarily strange feeling, everyone agreed and got up.

So they went deeper into the cave.

The fork in the path came up quite a few times, and each time, the fireflies volunteered to guide the way.

"Is it okay to go this deep? It will be difficult to go back the way we came," muttered Kayden.

Enoch looked at Margaret. She was lost in her thoughts with a tense face, so focused that she couldn't even hear Kayden's words.

What are you thinking now?

At times like these, he felt like Margaret was in a different space from him.

When he heard that she had lived a different life in a different world, he felt she was getting further away from him beyond reach.

"Then, if this island were to be destroyed and you had to choose between the two worlds, which would you choose?"

To Ruzef's question, Margaret just kept her mouth shut with a troubled face.

After getting off the island, what if she wants to return to another world......

Enoch narrowed his brows. It's an assumption he doesn't even want to consider. He had no intention of letting her go just like that.

"There is no way."

Then came Margaret's troubled voice. Enoch stopped walking.

As she said, the path cut off in front of a cliff. The cliff is so steep that you can't see the bottom.

Maybe there used to be a bridge connected to the path on the other side, but now there are only wooden posts and ropes tied to them.

"Can't we cross with magic?" Margaret asked again, turning to Kayden.

"Since he said magic isn't omnipotent, wouldn't it be difficult?" Ruzef replied instead of Kayden.

Then, Kayden glanced at him with an uneasy face.

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