Chapter 21 - Pietro

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I ran quickly, darting in between the people, trying to get to the square. I arrived within a matter of seconds, pausing to assess how many robots there were. I counted about 10. I glared at them, cracking my neck and then ran into them. I punched and dismantled each one as quickly as I could, which was quite quick, leaving several cars with windows being smashed. Stark's voice came through comms.

"Vision's burning Ultron out of the net, he won't escape from there. Our plan seems to be going well so far."

Vision's comm line came through, though his conversation seemed less pleasant.

"You shut me out," Ultron growled. "You take away my world, I take away yours."

The ground shook. Bridges started crumbling, roads were falling apart. I stumbled, trying to keep my balance as the ground moved vigorously. The city started rising. Half of the city was floating. In the air.

"Is everyone ok?" I heard Y/N voice come frantically through the comms, worry evident.

"Don't you worry Printsessa, I'm ok." I replied, flirting to distract from my shocked tone. A chorus of 'yeah' and 'I'm ok' came through, with Stark quietly whispering "Printsessa?"I could tell he was going to get his suit to look that up. Shit. Oh well, there was nothing I could do about it now. I sprinted to find the rest of the group, trying to ignore that we were almost at cloud level.

I found them. Each one looked very confused. Wanda looked at me and wrapped me in a hug, I sank into it relieved that she was safe. Y/n was patching up a child who had got caught in some rubble and had a pretty nasty wound on her arm.

"It's ok now sweetheart, all better now." She said soothingly.

"Do you see the beauty of it?" Ultron asked "The inevitability. You rise only to fall again. You, Avengers, you are my meteor. My sword. And the Earth will crack."

"It's a meteorite actually." Y/N muttered, which unfortunately, Ultron heard.


"It's a meteorite actually. You said meteor which is scientifically inaccurate as meteors stay in space, it's meteorites that hit the Earth. For a great big robo guy who has all the access to every bit of space and intergalactic research, you are a bit thick." Y/N said confidently, keeping her shaking hands behind her back to present her illusion of easiness. I chuckled, now thankful that all her space theory websites had led to this.

"That means nothing." Ultron pushed her away with his blasters, making her stumble into my arms, I held her as she regained balance. "When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal." Ultron said threateningly. At this point Natasha and Banner came from behind us, Banner in his Hulk skin, bringing many robots with them. We all looked at each other, I let go of Y/N's shoulders and sped through them, breaking as many as I could. Everyone else was fighting at least 3 each.

Stark's voice came through comms "The vibranium's magnetic field is what's keeping the rock together, if it drops it will kill thousands, once it gets high enough, will cause global extinction.

"Dad, are you alright?!" Y/N asked.

"I'm ok, don't you worry kiddo." Stark replied

"Stark, you worry about getting the city down safely, the rest of us have one job," Cap ordered "tear these things apart." I ran into an alleyway, pausing as I looked at a wound in my side, this may be slightly more than a stitch. "You get hurt, hurt 'em back, you get killed, walk it off." I rolled my eyes, my whole body sagging, Cap could be an asshole sometimes. I looked around the corner, checking it was clear and started to run off again.

A Blondie and Printsessa - Pietro Maximoff x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن