Pt 6(9)

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*Time skip to the end of the weekend*

Your family had questioned your cast and the face injuries that you had sustained. They (especially your older siblings and mom) all were pissed that you had claimed to have fallen down the stairs.

"If you told them what happened with Kendra, they would want to know why she kidnapped you. If you told them why she kidnapped you, they would want to know why you had the weird/expensive tech stuff. If you told them why you had the weird/expensive tech stuff, they would want to know why you steal stuff... ect... ect..." You think to yourself as you try to walk to school. You're wearing headphones and calmly walking. The heavy feeling of your backpack on you causes pain with every step you take. The hood of your jacket is up to hide your grimace as you play your music loud enough to cause your headache to worsen.

"Hey! Y/n!" You become startled by the sudden feeling of someone grabbing your hood and headphones off. The voice is high pitched, sweet, and familiar, but that doesn't mean that you wanted to hear it. Hotel: Trivago. Headache: Much worse.

"What is it, Monty?" You ask as she stares at you, her hands flailing as she motioned to your bandages and cast. Montana is talking to quietly and fast for you to understand what she's saying but you can tell that she's scolding you.

"-And now you'll need to meet my new friend looking like a mummy. And you- Are you listening?!" Montana questions as you try to keep walking towards your school. You put your hood up again, leaving one headphone off your ear so you can somewhat hear Montana. You don't want to meet anyone. You don't like people. You like tech, animals, being better than everyone- well- You like a lot of stuff but you hate people. That's the easiest way to put it.

"Hey, Montan-uhhh... Who's this?" You hear a sweet sounding voice. You look up and see a dark-skinned girl, wearing green and yellow as a main color palette. She also has red glasses on. She's pretty. Hopefully she'll leave you alone today though. Headache.

"Oh! Y/n, this is April. April, this is Y/n. Y/n is the friend that I moved here with. I told you a bit about her." Montana says with her usual characteristically cheerful voice. April seems pretty shocked at the fabrics used to dress your injuries. She also seems like she just realized something important... Ugh. What is she thinking?

"Nice to meet you, Y/n! Oh. Montana, didn't you say Y/n's taking the advanced courses in Chemistry, Literature, and that new college level Tech course?" April asks in an extremely interrogative tone that seems to go unnoticed by Montana. You decide right then and there to ignore everything today. Everything.

"Yeah! She's super smart and can focus on like a million things at once. It's weird but awesome, even though I've been trying to tell her she should probably talk to a doctor about possibly having ADHD-" You hear Montana try to express genuine concern for you. That must stop. Ugh. So much for ignoring everything today.

"Yeah yeah. I totally have ADHD. Heh. A Dangerously Huge Dick." You say with a monotone voice despite it being a joke. You had cut Montana off quickly and April seemed shocked at your voice. Montana laughs a little bit before pausing with confusion on her face.

"But, you don't have a-... Never mind. Uh." Montana tried to say something but April interjected rather quickly.

"Hate to break the convo up, but we gotta get to class. Like ASAP. Can we meet up after class? We can go to the park or somethin together." April chimes out quickly. She seems like she's in a rush. That's strange because the first classes start in approximately eight and a half minutes and you're already inside of the school. She rushes off in the other direction as Montana responds for you. Oh yay. You're being forced to meet up with someone who has too much energy. Yay.

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