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i. changing tides !

storybrooke maine

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storybrooke maine .

KILLIAN WASN'T QUITE SURE WHICH WAS CONTRIBUTING MORE TO HIS LABOURED BREATH: his bruised and battered ribs with unhealthy splotches of yellow hues and lavender purples displayed upon his skin, or the gentle forgiveness of an arm wrapped carefully around his waist, providing a sort of comfort that was entirely foreign to him.

Sparing a brief glance down at the wonderful woman who so kindly allowed him to lean a small portion of his body weight against her, he couldn't help but believe it was the latter that had left his lungs practically gasping.

All the stories he'd heard about the woman couldn't possibly hope to compare to the real thing. Winnifred Robin was a sight to behold, with her rose-pinched cheeks and the essence of sunlight seeping through the stitches of her very soul.

In her eyes there was nothing but love and tender affection, and Killian found the corners of his lips quirking slightly as he followed her gaze towards the excitable boy a few steps ahead of them, practically skipping as he recounted his eventful morning to an indifferent dwarf.

"We had to use the hose to get all the flour out of Kenai's fur." Christopher giggled, one of the cookies they'd brought for Killian resting half eaten in his hand. "He looked like a polar bear."

Leroy's eyebrows raised as he nodded, the faux interest upon his face not-so-subtly hiding his discontent for having been stuck listening to the young boy's endless chatter. As was the opinion of any typical grump. Killian, however, who failed to realise how much he truly missed the boy, found it almost endearing.

"Perhaps paws aren't the most convenient when attempting to bake." He voiced jokingly, stifling a groan at the sheer effort it took to do so, his ribs alighting with a dull, fiery ache as they rattled along with his words.

Yet, when Christopher turned to him with that boyish grin, and the woman at his side chuckled light-heartedly, Killian decided he'd willingly die a hundred times over to defend those smiles that seemed to have been forged by all things warm and wonderful.

"Keep walking." David muttered uninterestedly from behind the pirate, urging him further towards the docks as the concrete beneath their boots became sturdy, creaking wood.

Killian refrained from rolling his eyes as he limped forwards, the pain flaring in his chest causing an unusual gait which the sweet-hearted Winnie was doing her best to remedy. Her careful hand rested at the small of his back, tucked between his vest and leather jacket. Though he was grateful for the support, he actively chose not to lean against her offered shoulder, not wishing to burden the woman with his weight.

EVERY LITTLE THING ⇀ ( KILLIAN JONES )Where stories live. Discover now