Chapter 44 - On the Offensive

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(On the phone)

Sumi: "Can we meet up... I have something I need to ask you...

Chizuru: "Sure. I'm at school right now though. I can make some time at lunch."

Sumi: "Ok, I'll see you then."


Sumi: "I need him to notice me."

Sumi: "How do I get him to notice me?"

Chizuru: "Wait?! That's what you wanted to ask me?!"

Sumi: (nod nod)

Chizuru: "I'm pretty sure he's noticed you..."

Sumi: "I meant notice me..."

Sumi: (blush) "romantically..."

Chizuru: (thoughts) "She's so cute."

Sumi: "You're a rental girlfriend right can you tell me what I should do?

Chizuru: "Umm... you're a rental girlfriend too."

Sumi: (☉_☉)

Chizuru: (laughs) "Did you forget?"

Sumi: "But you're an expert. Surely you must have some tips that can help me."

Chizuru: "Tips huh? Well I don't know. Normally in these cases you'd start with some casual flirting, not like I have any experience with that though..."

Sumi: "Casual flirting?"

Chizuru: "But I don't think you need any help... just be yourself."

Chizuru: "As a matter of fact why don't you go surprise him right now."

Sumi: "Surprise him?"

Chizuru: "Yeah, we go to the same university. Did you forget that too?"

Sumi: (⊙_⊙')

Sumi: "I-I've had a lot on my mind today..."

Chizuru: (laughs) "You'll be fine now go."


Sumi: (thoughts) "Chizuru-san said something about casual flirting..."

Sumi: (thoughts) "But she also told me to be myself..."

Sumi: (thoughts) "I have been myself all this time... I don't think it's working."

Sumi: (pulls out phone)

What is Casual Flirting And How Do You Go About It?

Sumi: (clicks)

Casual flirting involves playful and light-hearted interactions that convey romantic interest without being overly serious.

Sumi: (thoughts) "I thought I was already doing that..."

1. Smile and Maintain Eye Contact: A genuine smile and maintaining eye contact show your interest and warmth.
2. Compliments: Give sincere compliments about their appearance, personality, or achievements. Avoid being overly personal or explicit.
3. Playful Teasing: Light teasing can create a fun dynamic, but be careful not to offend or hurt anyone's feelings.
4. Use Humor: Share lighthearted jokes or funny anecdotes to create a comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere.
5. Engage in Light Touch: If appropriate and welcomed, a gentle touch on the arm or shoulder can add a tactile element to your interaction.
6. Use Subtle Flirting Techniques: Subtle compliments, light touches, extended eye contact, and using a slightly teasing tone can convey interest without being too forward.
7. Make the Other Person Feel Needed: Don't appear distant. Let the other person know that you are there for them, and show your interest in them.
8. Be Confident: Confidence is attractive, but avoid coming across as arrogant.

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