Chapter 13 - Provisional Girlfriend and Lies

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**At work**

Manager: "Ah Y/N we'll be getting someone new today so teach him everything."

Y/N: "You got it boss."


Y/N: (sighs) "Why are you here?"

Kazuya: "I work here now."

Y/N: "Dude I know I told you to find a job but I didn't mean this job."

Kazuya: "I-I didn't know you work here too."

Y/N: "This was my only sanctuary of peace and quiet and now that's gone too... seriously, all the jobs in the world and this is the only one you could find?"

Kazuya: "Sorry...?"

Y/N: (sighs) "Well nothing I can do about it now. Ok listen up. I'm your senpai so you do whatever I say got it."

Kazuya: "Yea"

Y/N: "What was that?"

Kazuya: "Y-yes sir."

Y/N: "That's better."


Y/N: "So what'd she give you?"

Kazuya: "Huh?"

Y/N: "For Christmas"

Kazuya: "This phone case"

Kazuya: "This phone case"

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Y/N: "It looks nice."

Kazuya: "Right. Choosing a design with Discus on was a great idea. How did she know I like them."

Y/N: "Probably just a coincidence."

Kazuya: "For her to notice I didn't have a case on my phone, she must've been keeping an eye on me."

Y/N: "Aren't you the one who told her though?"

Kazuya: "I'm neighbours with an actress."

Y/N: "That you are. You'll see, one day she'll be a big actress who does tons of movies. I believe in her. You should support her too. She could use it."

Kazuya: "Right. I was surprised when I found out about the two of you."

Y/N: "Well it's been her dream since she was a kid. She loved watching movies and always acted out scenes afterwards."

Kazuya: "What about you?"

Y/N: "What about me?"

Kazuya: "What made you want to write?"

Y/N: "Hmm I wonder.."

Y/N: "One of my earliest memories of my mom is her reading to me... it was my favourite part of the day, being able to escape into a world created by nothing but words, so I guess I started writing as a way to get closer to her, maybe..."

Kazuya: "I see... what about the play."

Y/N: "Oh that's more so a job and apparently I'm good at it so why would I stop, plus if I can help Chizu-chan reach her dream then it's all worth it."

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