Chapter 11 - Provisional Girlfriend and Trial

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*Kazuya's pov*

Ruka: "I swear I won't tell anyone about your relationship with Mizuhara. I won't tell anyone she's a rental. I promise not to tell... if you go out with me!!!"

Y/N: "Huh, why would I wanna go out with you?"

Ruka: "Ew no, who wants to go out with you. I'm talking about Kazuya-san."

Y/N: "God damn it! You did it again! Right when I thought I'd won. Wait.... Back up, what'd you say? You wanna go out with Kazuya?"

Ruka: "Yes."

Kazuya: "W-w-wait a second! What?! Go out with you?! Where did that come from?!"

Ruka: "You're the first to go above 90 points."

Kazuya: ?

Ruka: "I like you... KAZUYA-SAN... I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!"

Kazuya: (thoughts) "L-love?! What is she saying?! What's up with her? She likes me? She wants to go out with me? Is she making fun of me?"

Kazuya: "Mizuhara, are you listening?"

Y/N: "Wait Chizu-chan is here too? Oh great I could've gone without her hearing all this."

Kazuya: "Wh-what're you saying?! You shouldn't tease people! What reason could you possibly have for liking me?"

Ruka: "I'm serious. I've always been looking for a passionate person like you Kazuya-san."

Kazuya: "Huh.. why me? Why not him." He points at you

Ruka: "Who him? Never in a million years! He's the exact opposite of what I'm looking for."

Y/N: "Hey!... the feelings mutual!"

Ruka: "The time on the trip, and what happened yesterday. I was surprised by your feelings for Chizuru-san."

Kazuya: "Wha!? Feelings?"

Y/N: "Huh did something happen yesterday after I left?"

Ruka: "I think if you can be this serious about a rental girlfriend, then you would be able to treat your real girlfriend 1000 times better."

Kazuya: "Wh-what're you talking about?!"

Kazuya: (thoughts) "Mizuhara's gonna hear."

Kazuya: "What are you talking about, being serious? Our relationship is just me renting her!"

Y/N: "Hey come on now, that's not true right?"

Ruka: "Really? Then go out with me!"

Y/N: "Woah Woah Woah let's not get carried away here."

Ruka: "Why are you talking? This has nothing to do with you. Just stay out of it!"

Y/N: "Nothing to do with me? I won't let you come here and ruin all my hard work!"

Ruka: "Huh? What hard wor..."

Kazuya: "It's not that simple."

Ruka: "It is that simple! If she's just a rental, then I don't see how that poses any problems!"

Y/N: "There are problems. Aren't you a minor. I can't have Kazuya catching a case here."

Ruka: "I already told you, that dress was just cosplay. I'm 17 years old, going to be 18 soon."

Kazuya: (thoughts) "Does she know what she's saying? There's no way something like that... I mean going out with her... going out... with her..." The door suddenly swings opens and Chizuru comes out.

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