Chapter 22 - Ex-Girlfriend and Love

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Mami: "I'm just a wee bit fed up with it all."

Chizuru: ...


Y/N: "What happened?"

Kazuya: "They just left. She definitely knows! Mami-chan looked angry too! She probably found out we lied, and came to give Mizuhara a piece of her mind."

Y/N: "I see..."

Kazuya: "Mizuhara shouldn't get chewed out for this... I should! Mizuhara was just dating me out of pity! If anything she's the victim here! The guilt is killing me!"

Y/N: "Don't beat yourself over it. It's not your fault, it's mine."

Kazuya: ?

Y/N: "If she hadn't seen me with Sumi-chan there's no way she would've known..."

Kazuya: "There's nothing you could've done about that."

Kazuya: "I dragged her into this whole rental girlfriend mess... I have to do something for Mizuhara..."

Ruka: "Umm Kazuya...."

Kazuya: "Sorry Ruka now isn't a good time."

Y/N: (whispers) "Here take this and go. I'll watch over Ruka."

Kazuya: (whispers) "Thanks."

Ruka: "What are you guys whispering about?"

Kazuya: "Nothing." He takes the bottle of sparkling water from your hands and goes to the other room.

He drinks it all in one go and forces himself to throw up.

Boss: "What was that Kinoshita! Did you just throw up?!"

Kazuya: "I'm sorry I don't feel so good..."

Ruka: "Huh? Kazuya are you okay?!"

Boss: "Do you have the flu? Go home!"

Kazuya: "Sorry I'll go see a doctor..."

Boss: "Geez"

Ruka: "He seemed fine this morning though."

Y/N: "This morning...?"

Ruka: "Ah, it's nothing never mind."

Y/N: "Right..."


Ruka: "You ruined everything you know!"

Y/N: "What?"

Ruka: "Kazuya was going to make our relationship official. You just had to show up and ruin that!"

Y/N: "You're just delusional, he wasn't going to say anything like that."

Ruka: "He was!"

Y/N: "Nope"

Ruka: "Why are you so intent on seeing me fail! You can't still be holding a grudge for something that happened all those years ago!"

Y/N: "What no! I don't care about that."

Y/N: "Well I do, but that and this are two unrelated things."

Ruka: "So then why?!"

Y/N: "I told you already, I'm in Chizu-chan's corner."

Ruka: (shouts) "But why?! I'm the who loves him."

Y/N: "Because she finally has a shot at happiness and I want to give it to her!"

Ruka: (shouts louder) "But what about my happiness!"

Y/N: (shouts) "I don't care about your happiness!"

Ruka: (tearing up) ...

Y/N: "No that..."

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