Chapter 20 - What does it mean to fall in love? (Sumi's pov)

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Sumi: (thoughts) "I want it so bad! I need it! Sushi time!!"

Sumi: (thoughts) "Whelk, salmon, shrimp, scallop, tuna, blood clam, roe, surf clam, oh man.. I want all of it!"

Sumi: (thoughts) "But the one thing I have to to have... is the avocado shrimp!"

Narrator: "The modern invention of conveyor belt sushi has been a great boon to the socially anxious. Ordering your food by touching a screen, watching your chosen meal trundle dutifully down the belt. You don't even need to say a word. When you wish to pay, all you need is to press a button, an attendant comes to count up your plates and the entire affair can be handled with minimum to no communication.

Waitress: "I'll show you to your seat"

Sumi: ...

Sumi: (thoughts) "How am I so lucky?! What a fantastic day! I can face the wall from this seat! And that means I don't have to worry about other people looking at me! I'm alone! Totally alone!"

Sumi: (thoughts) "And now, what to eat? I could just jump straight for the avocado shrimp. But there's so many other yummy looking things! I could go for it third or so maybe... alright salmon then!"

As Sumi was ordering her eye caught something. A kid across her was staring at her.

 A kid across her was staring at her

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Sumi: (thoughts) "He's looking... right at me! A little kid! He's looking at me! I can feel him watching me! What is this overwhelming pressure!?"

Sumi: (thoughts) "Stop! Don't make eye contact! If you make eye contact you're going to lose your mind! You can tell I don't want to look at you right? So stop looking at me!"

Sumi: (thoughts) "Stop! Don't make eye contact! If you make eye contact you're going to lose your mind! You can tell I don't want to look at you right? So stop looking at me!"

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Sumi: "He's not stopping! He's not stopping! Why!? What's so interesting about some girl!? Are you enjoying this!? Wouldn't you enjoy eating with your family more!?"

Sumi: (thoughts) "I was so careless! A wall seat means you can make eye contact with people on the other side of the belt! And having the partition hide everything just makes the pressure worse! Now there's just the two of us! A world with just the two of us! This is exactly the kind of thing I'm bad at!"

My Strawberry Ice Cream (Sumi Sakurasawa x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now