Epilogue ~ my cute family 💞

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Hi guys how are you all ❤💫 you know your author will never distrub if it's not important yes..
I'm very sad to say that this is out last chapter😞 But I promise that as soon as possible I will be back with new stories of your taste.

Before getting into our story
I want to thank someone who support me when I was discouraged and want stop writing any more this person give me a hope that someone like it and wants me continue.

Thank you @MahiSingh055 for your support.. Thank you so much for commenting my story and giving me hope to write more and I hope you will keep supporting in future to.


When lan qiran know about lan zhan blessed with a healthy baby boy who looks exactly like lan zhan he can't control himself and come to see A-yuan and he like him from very first look.

After few months cheng also give birth to a baby boy and they named him Lan Jingyi And Jingyi is just another copy of cheng.
After a year yanli also give birth to a boy and she let her brothers name boy.
Wei ying give him courtesy name "Rulan"
While cheng name him as "A-ling".


After five years:-

Wei ying and lan zhan start living in their bamboo house with their son.
Lan zhan become so protective over his family and he try his level best to save his family for outside cruel world.

And A-yuan is just perfect combination of his parents with Wei ying's dove eyes, cute smile, little naughty,lively and friendly nature while looking like lan zhan with his cool,composed nature .

And he is just like his father very protective over his mom...yes you heard right A-yuan also so possessive over his mother that he won't let anyone near Wei ying not even his uncles, a ling ,jingyi no one is allowed except his father because he always think his father is the only safe place for his mother and him which make lan zhan emotional and happy that he successful able to make his son trust him.
Wei ying loved his husband and son's possessive love for him however this is what he dreamed a happy family .

lan xichen,cheng love A-yuan more than their own son because of his calm and cool nature with livelyness make him a perfect kid of his age which make them want to spoil him by giving everything he want and looking at their over love lan zhan try to be little strict with him so he won't spoiled to much but whenever A-yuan pouts or look at him with his dove eyes lan zhan just melted and let him go.


As usual lan zhan left to cloud ressource to help his brother leaving Wei ying and A-yuan at home in early morning and now a days he was so busy with clan works but even after being busy also lan zhan will always give enough time to his family even it make him exhausted he don't care because for him nothing more important than his Wei ying and their son.

Now Wei ying was walking here and there while a kid following him while pleading
"Please mom.. Please".

Wei ying " A-yuan stop following me.. I can't help you".

A-yuan "I know mother can do please".

Wei ying " Stop being stubborn A-yuan.."

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