6. Are you feeling shy

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Wei ying walking towards his room happened to meet jiang cheng and nei gonze on his way.

Nie Hauisang "heee... Wei xiong" He waved his hads.

Wei ying "nie Xiong, jiang cheng"
run towards them.

Jiang cheng "where the hell did you go" Ask with frustrated look.

Wei ying "i'm" He think for a second "just strolling around" Said with a smile which make cheng more annoying.

Nie Hauisang "Wei xiong... You really something when that old lan ask you to get out you just walk away".

Wei ying " If not".....
He cross his hands across his chest and with a smirk
"do you think I will sit in that class and make myself bored to dearth. "

"That's why you got punished" Cheng yelled.

"What" Wei ying exclaimed.

"Yes master said you have to copy lan clan rules 3 times" Cheng said with frustrated look.

"What 3000 rules three times" Wei was stunned "I won't i don't do anything Wrong".

Nie Hauisang "wei Xiong he said if you not you can go back and you know when you left you should have seen that old master lan face become red with anger like tomato"
He said while holding his laugh.

"really" Wei ying start laughing that made nie gonze to laugh out.
Jiang cheng roll his eyes.

Suddenly nie Hauisang stop laughing. When Wei ying saw nie Hauisang staring his backside.
Wei ying stop laughing and slowly turn around for his surprise lan zhan staring at tham not so far.

Wei ying face glow
"Wanji xiong" Wei ying shout with bunny smile.

Lan zhan said in low but enough to hear "library in thirty minutes ".

" Huh" Wei ying was confused.

nie hauisang tug his sleeves and whisper in low voice " He telling you to come and recive your punishment".

"Why did he telling it" Wei ying whisper back.

"Because that old_" His words struck in his throat as lan zhan shot a glare at him like he heard it. Nie hauisang smile nervously and continued "I mean lan master" He said it loud and again whisper "told him to be in charge of your punishment".

" What" Wei ying exclaimed loudly "wanji Xiong" He look at lan zhan.

Lan zhan with stern face turn to walk away but Wei ying was very fast...with in a second he block lan zhan's way.

"Wanji xiong, I'm calling you..why are you ignoring me" He said with cute pout.

Lan zhan stare at cute Wei ying for a minute...when he compose himself he look way... Which made Wei ying frown. Wanji turn and try to walk away but suddenly felt something pull him back.

When lan zhan turn back he saw Wei ying holding his sleeves like little kid in his dream. He felt same dove eyes staring at him.

Everyone surround them stunning not because Wei ying hold lan zhan's sleeves but because lan zhan didn't push him away.

Wei ying "wanji xiong".
Lan zhan looked between Wei ying and his hand that holding lan zhan's sleeves and said " Leave " turn his face away.

my UNTAMED love for you ❤‍????जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें