33. jealous bounce back

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Wei ying look at lan zhan. Then he remember he didn't see any scars on Cheng that day.he can understand that lan zhan let him hit without fighting back or else Cheng would have beaten to dearth.
Wei ying shook his head "don't waste time let's go".

All nod a d start walking and reached town within no time.

Market was very lively filled with costumers and consumers.it was really a crowded busy day.Everywhere people standing in groups and chit chating and venders bickering with each other for silly reason like garbage,dust ect. For lan brothers who roam in calm silent streets in  gusu this is really looking like mess and little uncomfortable for first time being in crowd.

Wei ying look at them and internally smirk
"Hanguang jun , zewu jun seems like don't like our lively beautiful markets.."
He look at market
"This is not gusu that people like to isolated themselves. May be it looks like mess for you but this is the way we live..We don't have boundaries.. We don't have thousands of rules.. We are free birds and live as we like.. "
Then he turn to lan brothers
"We are so much different from you like exact opposite If you think you can't stay here just leave Yunmeng and me also ..
no one will stop you".
Wei ying said with serious face.

Lan zhan look at him with expressionless face " We can".

Wei ying "better".
He said all walk into crowd. Cheng suggest to have lunch first before stroll around and all agreed as it's time for lunch.
They all get into a inn restaurant and sit at a big table. Lan zhan, lan xichen one side and Wei ying and wen qing across them while Cheng right side to lan xichen.

A waitress come there and immediately recognize Wei ying.
"Wei Xiong".

Wei ying smile at him" A-ying you".

Ying said in one breath with pout "Wei xiong after coming from outside classes you just stop visiting market. It's almost 6 months that we see you ... Someone said you health is not good.. How are you now".

Wei ying give her a little smile " I'm fine".

Ying "Wei Xiong you are really changed a lot... Look at you i miss your that old charm today"she pout.

Wei ying look at lan zhan " Someone changed me".

Lan zhan look at Wei ying and felt guilty thinking because of him Wei ying is like this.

Cheng interrupted  "enough with your chit chat get something to eat.. I'm starving"
Lan xichen smile at him.

Wei ying look at lan brother's "let them order first" .

Lan zhan and lan xichen heard menu.
Lan zhan knowing Wei ying's taste he order his favorite spicy food and some light spicy food for them.
With in no time order come and lan zhan pass Wei ying's favorite items to him and Wei ying look at him
"Please" Lan zhan said in low voice and Wei ying about to eat them but wen qing snatch them from Wei ying.
"Wei gonze you can't eat them" She said in stern voice.

Wei ying "wen qing just few bites I really want to taste them".

Wen qing " No you can't and who order this".

Lan zhan "that's his favorite so I did"

Wen qing "sorry hanguang jun but he can't eat them his health is not good".she said and turn to Wei ying who is almost sulking on side.
" I'm going to get food for you don't touch anything till I come"
She left and after sometime get some plain spicyless food which Wei ying eat obediently.
Lan zhan felt hurt that Wei ying didn't eat food he ordered for him but persuade himself saying it's for his health.

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