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HEARING FROM SCOTT OF RIVENDELL directly was unusual, but to have the cyan-haired male request an in-person meeting was even stranger. The letter came just after Atticus woke up, and even though his eyes begged for him to go back to sleep—a night spent worrying about anything and everything didn't do wonders for his soul—he still reluctantly wrote back to Scott, agreeing to meet in Vulpesterra's public library.

This was his fear upon realizing what offering an alliance to the Codfather meant—that others would expect the same. Atticus was sure that Sausage would increase his antics to get Atticus to agree to an alliance, and now he feared that the other rulers would start asking for one as well.

Atticus planned to hold his ground—the Cod Empire would be Vulpesterra's only alliance. It didn't matter what Atticus was offered—he had already sacrificed his principles due to a crush. He couldn't let it happen again.

Atticus pulled himself away from his desk, tiredly rubbing his eyes. His meeting with Scott would take place in three hours, giving Scott plenty of time to get to Vulpesterra and Atticus enough time to prepare himself to turn down the Rivendellian ruler—if that's what Scott even wanted to talk about. Perhaps Atticus shouldn't have been so harsh on him before they'd even met.

Atticus decided to have breakfast in the dining room, sitting with Jane to eat. He rarely ate breakfast, never mind not in his room, so his presence was a welcome surprise to Jane.

"You're up early," she teased.

Atticus poked at his food, shrugging. "Scott wants to have a meeting," he told her. "I should be awake for it."

She smiled slightly. "You think he's going to ask for an alliance," she said, not a question. Atticus shrugged again before nodding, trying to hide a yawn. "I think he's smarter than that. I think most of your peers are, really, except for that Mythland man." Atticus smiled slightly at her disgust toward Sausage, sparing a nod.

"I hope you're right. I have a lot of respect for Scott, I'd hate to lose it," he admitted. Scott was one of the only rulers who hadn't asked Atticus about an alliance ever since Atticus made his feelings toward them clear; there were two others, Lizzie and Joel, and the other rulers had stopped asking after one or two failed attempts. Sausage, however, had kept at it.

"When do you leave? I'm stopping to talk to Thomas soon, I can let him know to be ready," Jane offered.

Atticus smiled, deciding not to tease her about Thomas for now. "That would be great. I'm meeting him at noon, should all go well. Thank you."

Jane smiled at him. Atticus exhaled softly, hoping that she was right about Scott; Atticus would hate to view the other man as an enemy. And he didn't want to underestimate Scott's intelligence—surely the man understood that offering an alliance to the Codfather didn't mean Atticus would consider one with anyone else. Then again, he often overestimated Sausage's intelligence; he shouldn't assume Scott would be any different. But he also shouldn't assume the worst.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐒. empires smp (in progress)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang