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FARMER PEARL RARELY MADE TRIPS out of Gilded Helianthia unless absolutely required, so focused on growing her empire and its culture that the thought of visiting other rulers more often than not slipped her mind. Atticus could be the first to admit that her carelessness toward other rulers made him jealousno one ever gave Pearl a hard time for not being around, but Gods forbid Atticus miss a House Blossom meeting.

Well. Pearl only missed meetings when she was sick. But the point still stands!

Atticus was pleasantly surprised when he received a meeting request from Farmer Pearl, to discuss their trade deal that had been established nearly eight years prior. He'd rarely met up with her after the paperwork was submitted to Lady Katherine, who prided herself on trying to keep an archive on all the kingdoms (with help from the Copper King, of course). It was a pleasant surprise, since Pearl had been absent from the last truce meetinghealth issues, Lady Katherine had said.

Vulpesterra had a public library, right in the center of the kingdom. It was by no means the building that stood out the most, but it was Atticus' favoriteif not because of the architecture, then because of the availability of private meeting rooms. Atticus did not want to meet in the castle if he could avoid bringing a (practical) stranger into the place where he lived.

"Foxling," Famer Pearl greeted as she sat down, the green fabric of her dress rustling. Atticus set his book down and smiled in greeting. "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me."

"Of course. It was a surprise to hear from you," he admitted, "but I'm always happy to discuss trade deals." It was more like his council was always happy for him to discuss trade deals, on the off-chance it would lead to an alliance, but Atticus could admit that most of the time the deals were useful for Vulpesterra. There were some he'd made just to keep a neutral stance with another kingdom, but for the most part, he found the deals were positive.

"I was hoping to add more acacia wood to our deal," Pearl explained. "I'm expanding some borders and need the wood for houses and other buildings." Atticus nodded, making a note of what she wanted on a piece of paper. "I wouldn't mind jungle as well, but acacia is the one I need the most of."

Atticus nodded. "It's feasible. No one else requests acacia that much, so I could keep your old deal and just add acacia into a second shulker box so you don't have to give up oak or spruce."

Pearl nodded along. "I'm planning on offering more leather and sugar cane to your side of the deal as well, as a thank you. Is there a preference for one of the other?"

"Leather," Atticus said immediately. "For saddles and clothes."

Pearl smiled. "Sounds like a plan, then. Are we in agreement?" She held out her hand to shake. Atticus shook her hand, leaning over the table before he sat down again with a smile.

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