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THE FOLLOWING WEEK, ATTICUS SENT errand runners to the Cod Empire in his place; they delivered a shulker of wood to the Codfather and picked whatever blue orchids they thought looked nice, the results of which were disappointing. But Atticus could not bring himself to go to the Cod Empire, too worried about pushing the boundaries of his and the Codfather's relationship; his compromise meant that he would have to live with the already-dying flowers.

Three weeks later, he sent a different errand-runner. The flowers were just as disappointing as before, but Atticus thanked the boy with a smile and sent him on his way with a tip. He eyed the flowers with disdain before setting them on his desk, deciding they could be used as compost in the garden. Maybe he should turn his attention to the other plants.

Jane stepped into the room after knocking on the door, holding a tray of food in her arms. She frowned at him as she let the door close behind her.

"You're miserable," she noted. "And that runner just told me he visited the Cod Empire on your behalf. Why are you avoiding the Codfather?"

Atticus blinked at her, surprised she was being so blunt when they tended to skirt around the subjects that bothered Atticus the most. He appreciated it, deep down, but on the surface he was annoyed, waving away her concern.

"I'm not. I've just been busy running a kingdom." He narrowed his eyes at her disbelieving expression. "The Codfather and I aren't even friends. He has nothing to do with my mood."

Jane rolled her eyes, walking over to his desk. "He's perhaps your only friend, Foxling. You need to stop pushing away the people that care about you in favor of opinions that don't matter." She placed the tray on his desk and stepped away. "I'll see you for dinner later. Good luck with your work, Atticus."

Atticus waited until she was gone before he sat at his desk, glaring at the sandwich she'd brought him. It looked amazing, but Atticus didn't feel hungry; he hadn't for a few days, though he still forced himself to eat.

He knew that Jane was right. She always was, but he couldn't say that out loud—and he hated himself for it. He hated that she was right at all. Distancing himself from the Codfather for the past month had been exhausting; Atticus had been quick to realize he seemed to get a burst of energy whenever he was around the taller man. Avoiding his only friend—because, really, Jane was right in that regard, too—had been more distracting than visiting the Codfather every other day.

And there was no way the Codfather hadn't noticed. Two different people coming to pick blue orchids, neither of them Atticus? He was probably spiraling just as badly as Atticus was. It might even be more difficult for the Codfather, who didn't have an excuse to visit Vulpesterra like Atticus did to visit the Cod Empire. And it's not like the errand boys could tell him why Atticus was avoiding him.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐒. empires smp (in progress)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora