Chapter 10

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I take the envelope and look at it. No name. My hand shakes as I tried to open it. As I take the letter in my hands, I began to read quietly.


I know that my words might have been a bit too hard. I am sorry. I just wanted to protect you. I didn't want you to fall in love with this guy because he's going to break your heart some time. I don't want you to see suffering. You don't deserve this. I won't forbid you seeing him anymore. It's okay if you meet him. I want you to be happy and I know that you are happy with that team, with him. Do whatever you want. You're 18. You know what you are doing. I trust you. I know that you'll get the right way. That you're going to be a great woman. That you are a great woman. I am really sorry for that. You know that I love you.

Mom. X

I begin to cry. I can't take this anymore. Suki just tried to hold me but failed. I fell on my knees and cried. I cried for more than 10 minutes by I calmed down again. I am kneeling on the floor, still shaking. Suki already put her arms around me and rubbed my back, whispering that it's gonna be alright. As soon as I stand again, we both go in my room and sit down on my bed.

"Okay now tell me. Why did you cry? Why did you look  that... terrible when you came from shopping? What happened? And don't lie. I'll realize that you're lying.", she said in a serious tone. 

"Well.",I sighed and finally began to tell her every single detail. "You know I haven't talked to Marco since Monday morning. And today, I went in a shoppingcenter, I don't know what it's called. I searched for a cute dress for that conference at the Borussia Dortmund building. I walked through about 4 shops by I found one which isn't that expensive. I walked in and looked at some dresses by I saw him. Marco. He was there to. I went over to him and wanted to start a conversation but he didn't react. I asked him why he was doing so. And..."

I told her everything. I fake-smiled when he left me, trying to hide my tears once more. I know she hates to see me like that. But it's good for me knowing that she's always here for me. That she always knows how to cheer me up. I now know why she is called my best friend - because she simply is. 

"And what is your plan now?", she asked as I am completely calmed down.

"You know, I'm still going to that conference. There I wanna talk to him. Even though he might not talk to me. I know it's a bad idea but I really don't wanna loose him."

"Amélie. I don't know but... Could you, maybe, be in love with him? I mean... I've never seen you like that because of a guy. Not even as your ex cheated on you with that barbie. And no. It isn't a bad idea. It's really good, though.", she explained to me, carefully.

I think about her words. Could I be in love with him? Well, I love his eyes and I adore his laugh. His taste of humor isn't bad, either. He knows what I really love to hear. He's cute. He's just so natural, not even a male diva. He's so himself. 

When my ex cheated on my, I've been really sad. I didn't talk much but I didn't cry. I never cried for him. I never cried for any boy but Marco. 

"I don't know.", I said, slightly smiling. "I honestly don't know. It's really weird. Everything."

- next day in school - 

Maths. Oh how much I hated those lessons. Mr. Götze is in a really good mood today what makes the situation a bit better. When I see him I always see Mario Götze, his son and football player of Borussia Dortmund, in my mind. I smile with this thoughts, but I get back on earth when someone knocks at the door. Everyone is staring at the door, waiting for someone to enter the room. 

"Mario! What are you doing here?", Mr. Götze asks, beeing surprised but happy.

"Well.", he said with a smile that could make every girls heart melt. "We have a speacial training today and we need some people. I immediately thought about your class, dad."

He now turns to us and checked us. His eyes moved fast through the crowd and finally stopped at mine. Our eyes met and he began to grin, winking at me. I can feel my cheeks blushing. 

"Well. It's a great idea.", our teacher said. "What do you think? Do you wanna join the team? You won't get any homework for this day. I promise."

We all look at each other before we finally agree with both. Mario told us to pack everything and then follow him. I always need a lot of time for that and so, I was the last one who left the room. Mario closed the door behind me and hurried next to me, starting a conversation.

"Hi, I'm Mario.", he smiled, reaching out his hand.

I shake his hand, grinning. "Hi, I'm Amélie."

"It's a beautiful name. Amélie. Do you like football?"

How creative. He asks me about football. He's really handsome but I guess each footballer of Borussia Dortmund is good looking. I though about what I could answer him trying not to sound like a jerk.

"Yeah. I've once been in the stadium, last Friday. You were good.", I replied friendly. 

For the rest of the walk to the bus we are talking. I don't know which relation he has to Marco but I don't care at all. I know it's going to be weird seeing him but I have to go through this. 

"Everything alright, love?", Mario asked.

"Yes. I'm all fine, thanks.", I lied, more or less.

He sits down next to me and smiled. I don't know, why he is acting like this, but I kinda like it. I smiled back politely. He looks at me, seeming to check me out. I don't mind it, but it's a weird feeling. It seems that I attract footballer magically. I look at him. His eyes are so beautiful. And his hair sits perfectly and it seems like he tips his hair blond. Oh and not to forget his smile. His really awesome, beautiful and adorable smile. Oh my god Amélie what are you thinking about. Stop it. I guess, I really looked like an idiot as I thought about his beauty.

Arriving at the training ground, Mario leads us to the cabins, where have already been clothing for us. We all get a jersey and the usual footballer stuff. I really hurried up but I don't even know, why. I am first who is ready and left the cabin immediately. 

I am kinda surprised, as I entered the turf.

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