Chapter 8

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"Heck, that's my mom!", I say to Suki.

"And what's bad about it? I mean... Well yeah. What's bad?", she replies, looking at me confused.

My mom told me to clean up my bedroom and to do the dishes but I didn't clean up my room, neither I did the dishes. She might be a bit annoyed and wouldn't let me go to the training later. I explain everything to Sunny and she suggested to help me at home but my mom came earlier. 

"Amélie. Haven't I told you to-",

"Yeah mom, you did. But I didn't have any time this morning! I'll do it right then when I arrived at home and later, me and Suki are going to the training of Borussia Dortmund.", I interrupted her, what I am not doing often, usually.

"Darling, I don't think that you're going. Haven't you took a look of your room? It looks like in shambles! And don't you have any homework? I guess you'll be busy for the rest of the day and you can't go there."

"But mom! I really need to go! I promi-",

"Yeah you promised Marco, right? Princess wake up, he's just a footballer! He won't ever like you the way you like him!", she half-yells at me now, as my whole world breaks into a thousand pieces. 

She goes away since I didn't answer her anymore. I am angry. No. I'm really mad at her now. I don't like him the way she thinks I like him. But she really didn't have to tell me that there won't be more than friends. I already knew that. I try to hide my tears as Suki wraps her arms around me, whispering that she's not right. But she is. Well, halfway. With tears in my eyes, we walk to my home. I smash the door behind me and throw my bag in the next corner. I looked at the clock. 4:30pm. 'In 30 minutes the training starts.', I thought. Suki and me make our way in the kitchen, doing the dishes. We don't talk, not a bit. I just think about my moms words. I know he won't ever love me or something like that. But what if everything is too late? What if I am already fallen for him?

"Am turn the water off!", Sunny yells as I already feel my feet getting wet. 

'Heck, why does everything bad happen on one day?' I quickly turn the water off and go in the cell, searching for a swab. I clean up everything and finish doing the dishes before I look at the clock once more. 10 past 5. I sighed.

"C'mon. He won't hold it against you. Trust me."

Her words are always aiding but it's hard to believe something like this. I don't know Marco well, but I know him enough to know that he'll be mad at me. There's only one chance that he won't be. If he's too busy he cannot search for me and so, he won't notice it. But this chance is most probably 1 procent.

"Let's tidy my room. I don't wanna see my mom for a couple of days.", I say with in calm but monotone voice.

Suki just nods and walks downstairs to my room. I quickly look at my mobile but there isn't any message. It's a good thing, I hope.

- three days later - 

I walk through the streets of Dortmund, searching for a cute dress for a fan conference at the Borussia Dortmund building. I haven't written with Marco since Monday. He's mad. I know it. Better to say, I knew it. I look in the windows. Any dress is much too expensive. I walk in a shop with more or less cheap clothing. I've never imagines that I would see this,

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