Chapter 7

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I still cannot believe that he made a picture of himself for the contact information. I guess he doesn't even know what effect he has on women. I quickly open the message service and begin typing.

To Marco Reus: I guess you can handle with my mobile better than I could at the beginning, haha. Thank you for the picture and that gift. I love both. :) Amélie

I hope he isn't already sleeping. Well he could be because it is nearly 1am. I lay my mobile under my pillow and close my eyes, trying to let everything happen once more in my thoughts. I think about the hug, when he pulled me closer; about how he smells; about his beautiful smile and his amazing giggle. I get back on earth when my mobile is ringing.

From Marco Reus: Still awake at late hours, huh? Well I guess you would've forgotten how I look like. It's still nothing you need to thank me for. :) Goodnight x

My heart beats faster. I don't know where it comes from but I like it. I never thought that these footvall player are that kind and down to earth like he is. I always thought they were more arrogant and vain.

I didn't write back because I don't want to annoy him. I just put my phone back under my pillow and close my eyes. Not much later I feel asleep, dreaming about no one ekse than Marco Reus.

- Monday -

The whole weekend, I wrote with him. I don't know what there is but I like it. I do know that there won't ever be more than a friendship. He's loved by probably 80 procent of the female Germans.

"Hey Am! How has your weekend been? You need to tell me everything about your birthday!", Suki says as she saw me standing at my locker.

"Hi Suki.", I replied smiling. "There's a lot I need to tell you. You just can't imagine what happened on Friday!"

She looked a bit scared but excited now. "Then c'mon. We don't have much time by the lesson starts! Tell me every single detail!" That's totally why I love her.

On the way to our room I told her everything from the very beginning. I began with the moment when my mom gave me the envelope with the tickets and finally ended with the latest message of him, yesterday evening.

"Oh my god, Amélie! I am so happy for you! Aw you finally found out who you've seen in that one night!"

I just smiled. I am really happy about the whole situation. Today, Marco hasn't written me yet. Okay, it is only 7.30am and he is most probably still asleep. So, I focus now on my philosophy lesson even though I don't like it at all. It is just perfect to clear my mind for at least one or two hours.

After psychology I have French. It's really easy for me, of course. Suki said me goodbye because she has free time while I am doing my lessons. She has never done well in languages if it's not English. Finally, I sit down in the second row of the philosophy room and search for my books.

"Welcome to our course in this year. We're gonna have a great time and at the end you'll maybe write your exam in my class. I hope you had joyful vacations. Now please open your book on page 12. We cannot miss any minute."

I already regret that I have chosen this course. You have to learn tons of stuff you're not gonna need anymore in future. 'Why didn't I choose philosophy? That would have been more interesting than this bullshit.', I mumble to myself, as my phone vibrates. I quickly grab it and open the message.

From Marco Reus: Hello beautiful. Have a nice day in school. :) Are you coming to the open training at 4? I would be glad to see you. Marco x

He always makes me smile. I guess I look like a jerk now, grinning stupid and blushing. Why does he know what I would really like to hear? I don't have time to think about this and write him back.

To Marco Reus: Good morning, handsome man. :) Aw thanks for reminding me.. Sure, I'll try to be there. Don't have too much fun without me. ;) Amélie x

He's a great man. I don't know how we came that close in 3 days. It's weird but I like it. My day is going to be good now, since Marco wrote me.

- After school -

"Oh come on. Please. I don't wanna go alone. Please, Suki. Just one time. Well, or maybe 2. But please. Maybe you'll see someone who is as good looking as Marco.", I begged, already being on my knees.

I asked Sunny to join me to the training later but she said that it would be too boring for her. I've tried everything. I even promised her to make her chocolate cupcakes.

"Am I don't know. What if you only have eyes for him and I'm standing there like an idiot?"

"Why should I? I don't like him that way you think I do. I will talk to you and we're going to have a lot of fun. But please just join me."

She thinks for a few more seconds and finally agreed. We are on the way to my house when suddenly...

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