This is a novel that Mu Xingxing likes very much.

In fact, Mu Xiuxing had the idea of ​​making "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" into an animation a long time ago. Perhaps every adult who grew up in such an era has in his heart a youthful spirit, a world of pleasure and hatred. The Pleiades are certainly no exception.

What made him hesitate was the animation production method.

Although the 3D animation is beautiful and atmospheric, it still lacks some of the unique ancient charm of martial arts. 2D animation may be able to retain such a flavor, but the overall choice of style is difficult. So the inner world about "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" was repeatedly shelved in Mu Xiuxing's heart.

Until my recent trip around the world.

The colorful and unique puppetry performed by the old man gave him new inspiration.

Yes, why not try a puppet show?

Shepherd Xing didn't think too far - such as revitalizing martial arts culture, promoting cultural heritage and so on. For him, what attracted him was "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" and the puppet show itself. The former is a romantic atmosphere of traditional martial arts and the exuberant artistic conception of classical poetry, while the latter is the production method itself that is completely different from ordinary animation when making puppet shows, but it can also be called "fun".

For Mujiuxing, who has produced countless animations, the completely unfamiliar puppet show is like a colorful, yet magnificent and fun new world.

As for more things, such as reviving martial arts culture and promoting the cultural heritage of puppetry, it is of course better to be able to take care of both. If it cannot be done, Muxiuxing will not force it. As an animator, all he can do is to use his best efforts to show his animated world. Picking up a pile of information on the table, Mu Xingxing turned around and walked into his own animation studio.

In the huge office hall and the dazzling array of equipment, employees who also belong to the animation production team of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" are already waiting there in advance.

Looking at the familiar faces in front of him without exception, Shepherd Xing was a little surprised.

"Why are you all here?"

Indeed, they all came.

If it wasn't for the wall clock on the wall, which pointed to ten o'clock in the morning, she would almost think that he was in a dream, or that he had returned to Huaying Animation's first commercial work, which was established by the "IS" animation production team. that day. But now, when they should be leading independent projects, all the old acquaintances from back then are gathered here without exception.

"What are you doing," Fang Lian yelled, "You are only allowed to start a new project by yourself, but we are not allowed to join in the fun?"

"That's right," Wen Feihang nodded in agreement, and with lightning speed, he rushed to the platform that was going to be used as a puppet show set. He picked up the puppets on it and looked at them, while complaining: "You are such a person. It’s outrageous that such fun things don’t even come with us!”

Dai Yuyan didn't dance as much as the two of them. The girl nodded slightly, showing her respect and seriousness back then.

"I came to see if I could help with anything."

"Me too."

"Anyway, I have nothing to do. I've been a little tired of doing ordinary animation recently, so I just want to try something I haven't done before. Speaking of how to make this puppet move... Wow! It's moving! This little guy is so good It's beautiful. How will we shoot this kind of animation? Is it like a live-action TV series?"

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